1200 is ~1kg loss per week for an ~overweight/obese woman. It’s fine.
You will find for example Light & Easy do 1200kCal, 1500kCal and 1800kCal.
1200 is ~1kg loss per week for an ~overweight/obese woman. It’s fine.
You will find for example Light & Easy do 1200kCal, 1500kCal and 1800kCal.
I’m testing out this dumb, mostly carnivore diet for thirty days. Weight loss isn’t the main goal, but I’ve dropped 6 kg in 17 days without really trying (99 to 93kg).
My takeaway so far is that the combination of high fat and high protein is highly satiating. I can work for hours and forget to eat.
I was reasonably fit until COVID hit. I did the macro thing for many years. I’m likely going to go back to that when this thirty days is up.
I don’t swim at all. Can do a bit of a basic freestyle but have had back issues for years which I’m managing ok, but tend to come back when I try to swim. I’m probably doing it wrong. There’s a ledge on the side of the pool about six inches under the water so I hold onto that and kick which feels like it gives the legs a decent workout at least. Other option is the exercise bike.
I had a friend who did that diet for a year. Ended up with gut problems but definitely dropped a lot of weight.
You could kick on a kick board and do laps that way?
if the depth allows for it, just do some walking laps
Yeah depth is fine. I often walk laps so will try that if it’s ok on the achilles, and also take up @davethedon 's kickboard recommendation.
Thanks folks.
Not sure where you are getting this figure from, but 1kilo of fat is around 30,000 kilojoules (roughly 7,000 calories).
You are correct. My error in units. Kcals not kJ.
Or underwater running
If it was deeper you could do walking without touching the bottom with a buoyancy device. Completely understand loads the Achilles while being hard work
I had a chronic problem with my left Achilles so I stopped running and non-essential walking and got going on the elliptical trainer at the gym. I found I enjoyed it and that it didn’t put any strain on the Achilles at all. After 6 months the Achilles was completely fine and I went back to running.
Some years later I got knee problems, but that’s another story.
There’s an interesting looking show on SBS on Tuesday night. Seems like it’s about rubbish and addictive modern foods. I think it’s called Irresistable. I’lm out Tuesday so will have to watch on on-demand later.
Started doing some fasting this week has been interesting the hungry comes and goes but isn’t too bad.
At this stage iam not sure if there is benefit besides the obvious lack of calories
If you can get down to 2 meals a day without the need for snacking, it’s very difficult to over eat in terms of total energy.
Particularly if you prioritize Protein with cruciferous/fibrous veggies (assuming no intolerances to the veg).
I can see that for sure, doing 16/8 its mostly been a light salad on breaking the fast then main meal and by the time the fast starts again I am mostly full from the main meal still and force a small meal in just too ensure I have eaten makes me feel I should be doing 18/6
If you can hang till midday for Meal 1, then 18/6 is a piece of p*ss.
That calorie count is far too low. Agree with everything you said otherwise.
My BMR is around 1800 calories (the amount of calories burned each day by essentially just keeping yourself alive). Everyone’s different, but my maintenance calories around circa 3000.
A fair bit of education and research is needed before subscribing to a set amount of calories.
1500 would be crazy for me. I hover between 10-12% body fat and know this space pretty well.
For my interest sake: What number does the Mifflin St Jeor equation give you as a BMR? Calculators are online. Your maintenance value suggests a lot of exercise!
My BMR = 1935.
TDEE (sedentary) = 1.2 x 1935 = 2322
So eating 2322 maintains my current weight.
For consuming 1500/day diet:
822kCal in deficit is ~0.75 kg loss per week.
1500 is about right for me.