Mine actually come out about the same which is interesting!
I’d go to the gym/run/pilates 5/6 times per week and do walk a fair bit outside of that. It’s been fairly trial and error with maintenance cals but based on the muscle mass/energy expenditure it seems about right.
Your math is solid for a period of time to shed the weight but would be tough to sustain for a long period of time. Good luck!
Just watched that show on SBS. Quite informative on ultra peocessed foods. How they have been designed to be (effectively) addictive. How the basic nutrient profile doesn’t actually equate to how good/bad they are. An interesting line that wasn’t followed up was the brain response when artificially sweetened drinks were consumed with other foods like fries etc. the implication was that it was likely to cause problems with eating but the research co. Said only that Pepsi dropped the research because they didn’t want to know.
Overall this should make you want to minimise ultra processed foods in what you eat.
This is the key. IMO a lot of it goes to gut health and your microbiome being able to break down the foods easily. The more processed foods you’re eating the slower/harder it is to break down the foods to burn them. Less processed foods, better gut microbiome, faster metabolism, less chance of diabetes. Not all calories are equal.
This week was a bad week however. Being slammed at work and struggling to get to shops as Wife has been really sick with pregnancy. Its not a sprint. Its a marathon
Fairybread stays in the diet though right?
Seriously, great job. If you dont mind sharing, what was the motivation behind it and what amount of weight are you aiming to lose?
Yep. With baby #3 due anytime this week and our house due to be moved back into on Friday we just havent had a chance to nail dinners. Breakfast and lunch is easy to nail.
Just running down apartment fridge and supporting wife who has been nauseas.
10kgs is a huge effort . Well done! Can I ask if you’re doing any structured exercise in conjunction with the diet? I’m a bit older than you but looking to lose the same.