Welcome to Essendon - #49 Jaiden Hunter - cower before him, 2024

You would assume playing WAFL in full view of Rosa that we have a fairly clear understanding of his ability by now.

If nothing else, he has 2 years to become a regular at senior level before he requests a trade to go home as part of the Reid deal.

Youā€™d hope so, he kicked 5.1 against there reserve side


fk it Iā€™m going early

Coleman 2026


thats not early 2024 you coward.


Iā€™ll join in on the prediction.
If he doesnā€™t make it, itā€™s Dodoā€™s fault.
If he makes it, itā€™s because of Rosa.


in case you missed this when first posted.
I will celebrate every goal he kicks on this trumpet.
Itā€™ll be bigger than Dursma doing that silly archer crap.


I suspect there may be plans to try and make either or both Draper or Bryan into something resembling a KPF. KPFs do not grow on trees, by trade they cost high end draft picks and if a club finishes around mid table its hard to even get one with their first round pick in the draft.

I hope we give Hunter a one season offer, we just need to watch out for list clogging decisions. we have cycled through many KP players recently; True, with poor success. But isnā€™t that why Dodoro has been replaced?

Personally I donā€™t see it with Bryan or Draper as KPF neither have really showed they are capable.
Bryan could become a very solid ruck in time and Draper who knows so both may even been kept out by Goldstein for all we know.
Hunter on the other hand actually looks like a forward knows how to lead can clunk and can kick straight unlike Draper


I can see Draper as Fwd/Ruck
say Goldy 70% Draper 30% and ruck all last quarter.
Would be a advantage for us.

I canā€™t see Bryan getting many games when Draper and Goldy are available though.
But at least Goldy is an upgrade on Phillips.
Given Drapers injury iā€™m not actually expecting him to be back until at least Anzac day.
So Bryan needs to try and get in the side before then


This is akin to drafting a HBF and expecting that will turn into a mid.


Wouldnt the fact we keep searching for kpf suggest we are well aware neither of our ruckmen are capable of being 2nd forward?

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During pre-season this year, ruck duties were split between Draper and Phillips. Draper would be the second tall target in the forward line and did it well.
Then Peter Wright got injured and we didnā€™t get to use Drapes that way. By the time 2MP returned, Drapes was out.

I think by the time Goldy is finished, Bryan will be ā€˜fully formedā€™ and ready for full time first ruck duties. And heā€™ll be mentored by Goldy who is one of the most resilient and durable rucks who has performed at a high level for a long period of time that has been at our club since Simon Madden.

Iā€™m not sure where that leaves Jaiden Hunter though. Two tall targets, Langford, a resting midfielder (Perkins, Hobbs, Martin, etc.) and two small forwards would be the setup we go with.
Ideally, only one of Hunter, Jones or Weideman end up as the ā€˜third tallā€™ if we want to go that way.


Where does it leave Stringer as well?

Iā€™d imagine Hunter would be expected to develop in the 2s for a while.

Jones can certainly play as the mobile CHF target.

My question is whether Perkins can provide enough speed and defensive pressure at ground level to take one of those spots you have pegged as ā€œsmall forwardā€?

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Why did we draft a guy in a mid season draft who was cooked prior to coming the club? Isnā€™t the value of this draft type that you can use it as an audition to trial before you buy? Just seems a little backwards to me.

No to Perkins.
Small forwards are a specialist role. Not a hybrid one.

Iā€™m not sure where Stringer plays. Maybe he can be the ā€˜stay at homeā€™ small forward role? Iā€™m hoping by mid next year, we wonā€™t be relying on Stringer in the forward line.


The club is on record as saying that the pre-draft medical screening the AFL did on Hunter (clubs canā€™t do their own medicals on would-be draftees) missed his back issues. It didnā€™t sound like we were happy about that.


If we had of known about the injury I wonder who we would have taken.

Maybe Jack Buller.

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Can the AFL pay is for the rehab costs? I think a priority pick as the start of the draft would be appropriate.

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Narkle and Poulter would have been good picks.

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