Windy Hill $50M redevelopment

Disappointing but predictable that the VFL team are virtually absent from all the messaging about the redevelopment of Windy Hill.

It wasn’t so long ago they were by far the place’s most important tennant, these days they can’t even get invited to the photo shoot by the club and are mentioned last of all the club’s teams, including one that doesn’t yet exist.

Just another in a very long line of clear indications on where the club’s priorities lie and how unimportant the VFL is to them, as if ignoring the program into oblivion this year wasn’t evidence enough on its own.

Seriously it looks like every single tennant of the ground is represented in the photos used by the club for this article except for Essendon’s VFL team, ■■■■■■■ unbelievable.


they’re probably all at work


You mean amateur footballers cant cruise through and rock up to a photo shoot on a weekday?

I was going to say the same thing, but I thought I would get slammed.

I tend to agree. As someone that for many years was a regular at VFL matches, and at some stages our VFL side was the only source of joy this club offering to supporters…… I’m pretty disappointed how far back on the priority list they are.

But I’m also wondering if we even have any VFL players at the moment??? If not, might have been a good opportunity for Brent Stanton to represent the VFL side.

I wonder how they’ll stop people from running onto the field during the games.

Not sure if serious, but the majority of the people in the photo are amateurs including the not one but two VFLW players, people who work and kids who go to school.

This was clearly done at a friendly time when one of the 40 or so players from our VFL program could’ve made it.

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Hey state and fed governments can we have $50 mil to upgrade another oval (our 3rd) so our 2nds have somewhere nice to play?

Dont think they would buy it.

Clearly the sell needs to be about community and women’s sport

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For the VFL not to have any players right now they’d have to not be returning a single player from the season just gone, and even though the team this year was pathetic I highly doubt that’s the case.

But even if it is as you said they could’ve used the coach, or the GM, or the President, or even some of the volunteers or a former player.

They clearly just didn’t bother including the VFL team.

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Why would there be any VFL players present when VFL recruitment traditionally doesn’t begin until the weekend before the first game.


I jumped in this thread wondering “I wonder if Blitz can find a negative slant on the Windy Hill redevelopment”. Not disappointed.


Electric fence?

It’s something I was thinking of raising at the AGM. The VFL team, while they might be valued internally, I think the public exposure has waned. A couple of years ago, it was very good, they almost had a cult following. Possibly reduced funding? I certainly think that was an issue last year.

The focus was on it being for women’s football, and I think it’s great that they’re getting exposure, but you’re right, VFL men’s is still a vital part of our club, and that should be recognised publicly.


Probably worded that poorly.
He had a side benefit.

His architectural firm is very good at sporting stadiums (far enter than us).
Maybe I’m mistaken, but everything architectural was by Daryl Jackson since he’s been on the board.

Im not saying anything devious occurred or that there is some form of grand conspiracy happening.
It was just business.

It makes sense to have an architect on a board and lean on his advice given the various schemes that were occurring around that time.

Talk about predictable. You having a crack at the club. Did you not even get past the picture? The first highlighted point discusses the VFL. It’s even in red to help you out.

Windy Hill would become a new premier home for female football in Victoria and the match-day home of the Essendon AFLW, VFLW and VFL teams


It’s all about the photo shoot apparently.

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Aw shucks.

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Umpiring cost us a Premiership a few years ago (2018? Prelim)…… we got absolutely murdered.

From the club, I mean. Blitz loves everyone. And hates everyone. But all teams are equal.

That, and a lack of size and muscle around the ball on a wet day.