Bit rash of me, you reckon?
Adieu is a good starter too.
That first guess makes a big difference.
I try to use the correct letters once identified. Some people try the second word with totally different ones to get more on the board.
I enjoy it with my morning coffee.
Did it in four, but (spoiler not to help/ruin the puzzle for those yet to do it) I didn’t realise letters could be used more than once, so spent ages trying different vowels for todays word!
I enjoy being chaotic and pulling it together at the last minute!
Wordle 201 6/6
Wordle 201 5/6
Not a bad first go, considering I had the definitions for the colours back to front.
Some people try the second word with totally different ones to get more on the board.
A similar strategy is used by some in the old Mastermind.
I don’t think that’s a spoiler Chris!
Wordle 201 4/6
First attempt
That was more difficult.
Wordle 202 5/6
Not complete luck at all…
Wordle 202 3/6
Wordle 202 4/6
Got some luck after using Adieu first.
Struggled today. Messed a line by using a letter in same spot and got no help from first line.
Got it in 5
Today’s one took a bit of nutting out…
Just tried the copy share function for the first time. Why is mine 203, but others here 202? Am I from the future?
Wordle 203 3/6
Wordle 202 5/6
My 4th guess was a bit stupid. The right answer is a much more common word.
How do you copy share straight into blitz?
Share copies it to the clipboard.
Just reply and Ctrl-V.