You're Banned!

I ban what’s his name up there ^ cos I’m bored and can’t find any other threads interesting enough to post in.

I ban what's his name up there ^ cos I'm bored and can't find any other threads interesting enough to post in.

I ban RedNBlackEyed for putting this thread under ENORMOUS PRESSURE.

I ban Westing Wuckman because he won’t post the pictures of himself in a dress.

I ban David J Richardson for posting his pasty chicken legs in a previous thread… seriously those legs need some lifting

I ban David J Richardson for posting his pasty chicken legs in a previous thread.. seriously those legs need some lifting

I ban SB for missing an opportunity to post DJR_budgie_smugglers.jpg

I ban David J Richardson for posting his pasty chicken legs in a previous thread.. seriously those legs need some lifting

I ban SB for missing an opportunity to post DJR_budgie_smugglers.jpg

I ban HAP for not bothering to find the photo.

Screw you guys, I’m already banned about four times already!

(Cycle-commuting for the last six years means my calves are decent; but the legs are still hairy.)

Screw you guys, I’m already banned about four times already!

(Cycle-commuting for the last six years means my calves are decent; but the legs are still hairy.)

I ban David J Richardson as he didn’t ban anyone in the previous post.

Screw you guys, I’m already banned about four times already!

(Cycle-commuting for the last six years means my calves are decent; but the legs are still hairy.)

I ban David J Richardson as he didn’t ban anyone in the previous post.

I also ban DJR for complaining about being banned.

And Ban soulnet for banning DJR.

I’m gonna ban DJR too, for not paying rego for his bike.

Whoever bans me next is also banned.

I ban RedNBlackEyed because that way no one else gets banned.

Best you just get your coat, methinks.

I ban RedNBlackEyed for not getting David his coat. No service.

I ban sameolds2010 as they managed to avoid the soylent green rules

I ban username already taken for having one of the best usernames, even if it is already taken.

This is an intervention post: I ban Silly Billy for his avatar. Seriously.

Also, Furious George the Monkey, for Silly Billy’s avatar.

I ban Zimmer for his unframed statements.

I ban Reboot for starting it all again

I ban Koala… Awwww! I can’t ban Koala she is too cute!

I ban all you other farkers!!

I ban Warlock Paul for… well… warlocking