#1 Andy McGrath - from April 2022

How good was his handball.
Took Perkins by surprised.
Need a 10 & delivered.

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The around the corner kicks have declined, runs in straight lines now.

Loves a run and bounce.

AA for mine.


Was always a good player.
Improving his kicking out of sight has turned uim into a very damaging player.


100%…they were still at it a couple of weeks ago re his contract extension. Just scroll up a bit. AA form (although an actual small defender never gets picked) and clearly excellent leadership…oh and 95% disposal efficiency on Saturday

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Kid’s a gun.

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Flew under the radar on Saturday but he was again so good.

Has to be 1 of the best loose ground ball players in the league.

Clean pick ups, then lightning hb’s as he’s about to be tackled.

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Just dropping in to say “Sorry Andy, I was wrrr, wrrrr argh ■■■■ it… I was wrong. Long may it continue.


Just to add slightly, it’s amazing the number of supporters “happy to eat humble pie”. After all, it’s not that tasty a dish! Real supporters are always hopeful that small blemishes in a players arsenal are being worked on and can be ironed out over time.

McGraths disposal has really improved. Its accurate, its low, and the dump kick has virtually been eliminated. Whats more he can kick reliably at almost full speed.


Small defenders always get picked in the AA team.
I think you are getting confused with Half forwards and wings.

Yes! Although perhaps it would be prudent to call them unsupporters!

My complaint about Andy has probably been one that is less to do with him, but more to do with the club. I have probably been critical of his disposal and effectiveness as a footballer in the past and that probably came down to his number 1 draft status, but I don’t think I’ve been over the top. Anyway he seems to be in a great space, he is so reliable when the ball comes to ground and is showing real leadership out there. I loved seeing Langford with his arms around McGrath and Parish at the end of the game, looks like those boys have been through a bit and you could see the pride they had in the tough victory.

Ok, the ‘dump kick’. It’s important to look to where these ‘dump kicks’ have happened - and where they continue to happen in all games.

100% correct. He always had the skills and he always used them –– when he had the opportunity to do so.

The difference this year is that there are so many more opportunities to use them.

His handpasses are best in the comp for mine. Like bullets, straight to the target’s guts, and any distance up to and even over 20 metres.

What happens in Arizona, stays in Arizona.

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Unlike for the Brisbane boys, images of whose exploits in Las Vegas didn’t stay in Las Vegas, but went back to their wags in Brisbane via the internet.

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Having looked it up…Sinclair has been picked and also Saad. I stand corrected

Hadn’t seen this quite amusing


Kid’s a champ.

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