#12 Will Setterfield

No there isn’t

Strong disagree.

He had a really good start to the season with 24 and 29 touches

Its frustrating he’s injury prone because imo he’s a good midfielder. Also had good tackle numbers.

I still think there’s a spot for him in the 22


I was really critical of him last year because he was all fumbles. But he’s been better this year, infact he’s been super clean.

Honestly, given Hobbs isn’t attending any CBAs, I think if we had better small forward stocks, he wouldn’t be in the team and a forward would play his role. Also think Hobbs starting as sub with the return of Guelfi this week confirms that somewhat.

I agree with your point that’s Caldwell plays a similar role to Hobbs with more polish. But I also think Caldwell is a more accomplished midfielder and coaches appear to agree as they given Caldwell CBAs.
All in all, Caldwell is a more talented footballer. If he didn’t have the more recent soft tissues issues he’s had at Essendon, the coaches likely give him even more on-ball time. If he didn’t have the historical hamstring issues he had in his draft year he would have gone in the first 5 picks. despite all of that Caldwell was pick 11 and Hobbs was pick 13. Albeit different years obviously!

Not to sound like I’m putting Hobbs down, but long term once we hopefully fix our lack of small forwards, he might be in the same spot as Setters, being midfield or nowhere because of his limited kicking and pace.

The thing that saves Setterfield is his height, which is vital to our balance.
The arrival of Perkins and Durham have devalued that somewhat.


The thing is that Caldwell has effectively taken his defensive spot in the side. Prior to that injury, Caldwell was on a flank somewhere.

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For footy it’s hard…for cricket I’d give the captaincy to the guy who Will Setterfield.


That is an EFC specialty.

I’d much rather Durham and Caldwell playing effectively the same roles with their physicality. He’s depth for mine.

Good call in my view that week Hobbs goes out for the smaller stock should be this week, bring Jayden Davey in as the sub for the next two weeks against slightly weaker opponents


You watched the VFL yeah? I see Jayden got 3 snags next to his name, how did he go to the eye?

Very well in my opinion worked hard up the ground and got involved all ground.
Could have been a bag kicking 3.2


Very nice! If one of Daveys could be become an elite small forward our list would look like it’s almost complete in all areas. (Obviously we can all still argue the quality of those areas)

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I would love Jayden in the afl side, but would also like to see him backup the performance.

if it was only the sub role then he should be able to run out the game.

Jayden was more exciting than Menzie but hes also another option. Menzie likely needs another VFL match.

Yeah, i do really rate him, but the longer it goes the more these guys are shining

Im not going to completely write him off as best 22, but i mean at worst he’s legitimately really, really good depth


Jayden is the more likely as the small forward as that has always been his role iirc. Alwyn spent more time up the ground I think, which doesn’t mean he can’t play small forward.


What thread am I in?

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Where every thread is about people not part of the thread.


In that case, let’s use this thread to return to the good ol’ days of discussing Jobe Watson’s hat*

*For the love of god, let’s not return to the good ol’ days of discussing Jobe Watson’s hat.

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Gotta just be a depth player now, like he was at Carlton. Durham/Perkins/Caldwell have transformed our side, along with Martin developing his new role.

Same for Shiel, depth only.

Tsatas growing to leap ahead of them too hopefully.


Setterfield will be in after he gets back to fitness in 2’s or at least a sub that can cover mid, half
Forward. Half back or wing positions in game injury’■■■■■.

The work he does at stoppages is vital in our game play and his tackling and % are highly valued by the club.
He also is building great chemistry with Durham, Caldwell and Perkins.
