#12 Will Setterfield

Yeah, having both him and Parish out messes up our midfield balance. Aside from body size, Merrett ends up having to be the gets-first-hands-on-ball guy too often, rather than the guy who gets the ball off that guy and delivers forward.


I maintain everyone in the midfield walks a little taller when Setters is in the team, putting on some bumps around the contest and feeding the ball out from the bottom of the packs. It means guys like Durham, Merrett and Parish don’t have to do all the work themselves.

Don’t judge this bloke on his numbers alone, judge how the entire midfield performs when he’s there.


I thought the same too until someone on here told me looks at what he does in close. Hopefully he comes in with form and fitness.

Yeah you can’t rely on setters he is too injury prone, but like others said our midfield needs a chop out at the moment and he is just the guy until parish comes back in.



Most importantly he gives a chop out to the younger guys who have been asked to shoulder a lot of the heavy lifting. Perkins and Durham might be allowed to play with a bit more freedom if Setters is there pulling some of the weight.

Will be pivotal to giving them a physical break heading into September


I think he has had been a pretty bloody good performer for Essendon in the short period he has been here. He’s issue has been constitution not performance and he gave us something we were starved for. I’ve really enjoyed watching him. He is probably short of a run but he absolutely must play him.

He is only 25, if he could catch a break with the body (and at Essendon they have all been collision injuries). He could still offer a lot of value, and I love his attitude.


Hard playing against ex-teammates? Madness.
Look no further back than at Dunkley and Treloar last night. Best mates, played in the same team but both did all they could to get the W for their team. That is as it should be, and is.


Yep. Agreed.

But ffs stop playing him on the wing. It’s never worked. It won’t work. Hopefully we have realized that.

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Sill Wetterfield

He is really needed against the blues, he provides some much around the contest that let’s the others play more freely. And against them you need that size. We will have to have two of Setterfield, Durham, Caldwell, Stringer at every CBA just to match their size and strength.


He has no love for any of them. Infact he said as he walked out the door ■■■■ Carlton

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If you like players fumbling or falling over this guy is your man


Enough’s enough. His body cannot be relied upon. His whole career at all three clubs has basically been like this.

71 games in 7 years.

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Was close to BOG for us before he went down.
He was playing very well


What is the injury??

Grabbed at his knee that was strapped

I’d love to know why a contested and clearance player like setterfield found himself having 0 centre bounce attendances, and liked up on the wing?


Stop playing this guy.

Enough of already.


all this midfield recruiting over the last few years, and here we are, our only depth is dylan ■■■■■■■ shiel