16 Feb 18 - AFLXXX Pictures from the seediest corners of the Intrawebs!

Not your imagination at all…it is harder to see.
On T.V, from all the distant shots, it looked like just an all red jumper and thats all.
Last year, and previously, it was a Heritage jumper with the small subliminal names in the red background giving greater definition from the red Sash. To make things worse,that horrible pathetic graduated shadow line is not as defined as a solid black outline.

If its going to be a clash jumper instead of a heritage jumper they softened us up on originally, then a Black Sash is the best and only answer to making this Clash jumper work properly in every way, and put an end to all the bullshit that’s been going on every year since its inception.
And i’d still keep it a heritage jumper, with the small names in the red background…why not!!

The Black Sash Heritage Clash Jumper…

And last years version, was also the one they had planned for this year (even started selling it), only to change there minds at the last minute…

Also see post 120 in this clash jumper discussion thread…Move over Freo, your 3D jumper has company