2023 FF Original Discussion Thread

Are we good?

Surprised he was still available.

all good

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Wasn’t on my radar.
But you’re ahead of me.
And we all have different draft positions/needs.

Another pick now would have been handy.


Always is.

I chopped and changed players 3 times then

If I work things well, it might be there by tonight in preparation for tomorrow morning.
I’m just hoping when I make the changes on AFL Fantasy website that it doesn’t force me to re-do the draft order again.

Awwwww maaaan!
Thought PP would last another fifty picks tbh

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You’re doing a mountain of work.

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I just manually went through and put players on ignore for AFL fantasy draft list as you guys posted keepers.

I like him as a footballer, not so much as a fantasy footballer, have done since I saw his highlight tapes in his draft year.

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I just needed that fwd depth sorry wim

He’s the kinda guy that could just explode, though…

Yep the pace and power on those highlight tapes from U/18 Champs and such were amazing!

I didn’t even realise Powell-Pepper was available.
And Will Graham was the one I wanted to get at my last pick. @Windy_Dill got a good one there.

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I am going to get back on to ARK for a bit if you need me Dill (and a couple of others) can get me.

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Will Graham was my 1st wish at 24 that what threw me out and had me scrambling

Yes once we are setup it will be easy. The system doesn’t cater for anything other than setting up a new keepers league or an existing keepers league.

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That is elite level fantasy scouting right there! Give the man a gold star!


Jamie Elliott

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