2024 Off Season Tracking

Just arrived in Bali today? Where is the wedding? I’ll photobomb it!

On second thoughts, I’ll just have another Bintang and stay here on the verandah


Have 16 more bintangs rock up and make a proper see you next Tuesday of yourself

Maybe 16 over the next few days. The older I get the more I could drink.

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2012 like?

Whichever pre-season it was where he got properly fit and changed from a fringe player to a star.


Is that a golf ball in Kyle’s pocket?

Great preseason, he’s looking rock hard.

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Training notes for 18/11 (from good friend watching)

Wright and Setterfield out there today. Setters with the no contact green cap

Cloke working hard on forward positioning today. Focus on forwards holding positions, blocking and forwards not running to the same space. Yelling to spread. Also not all getting sucked up the ground

Emphasis on quicker decisive ball movement. Working angles better and up the ground being pro-active in understanding quicker ball movement to create a lead or option. Better connection with forwards and mids and having space to lead into

Tsatas more inside than wing

Cloke mentoring Caddy a lot


Thanks CJ, any word on when Reid & Ridley will be in full contact training?

CJ thanks for this. As noted with Tsatas the thing I’m most interested in is positional changes.
Most training sessions are the same. This guy is flying, we practised skills etc etc.
But if there is anything positional please highlight it.

For example last year Martin off the HB line.

So where is he this year?
What group is Perkins in?
Stuff like that.

Reid is full contact now. Looking great. Rids unsure


I am hearing Martin will make a change up the ground. Could even play midfield for mins


that third paragraph makes me smile… I’ve been banging on for years about our forwards run into the same space


That’s good and bad news.

OMG, Scott is a genius coach.


In a good way or a bad way?

Good “Great positioning Nate”
Bad “Stop running into Peter, Nate”

“Take over the game Nate”

Lol not really. Teaching him when to go up the ground and when to hold… so there is space and shape of ground is balanced


Well now you’ve gone and done it!

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What days are they training at the moment?