2022 BBFFL#2 Season Launch
Welcome to BBFFL#2 for season number 14. The big question is can anybody stop @Crazy_Bomber after he returned to premiership dais by winning in 2024 to overcome his shock Grand Final defeat in 2023. Runner up @Stoops will be looking to go one better and finally become a BBFFL#2 Premier. Or has Bix time finally arrived for @TrevorBix in 2012, 2013, 2014… anyway you know the drill?
Unfortunately we have had two coaches leave us. A big thanks to both. @DonToDeath was a founding member of BBFFL#2 back in 2012 and was a fantastic contributor and support to me over the years. Also missing will be our 2023 Premier in @Speedy_Gonzales who is the only coach standing between CB and a potential fourpeat.
Therefore we have two opportunities for new coaches to join the lucky few as a BBFFL#2 coach. Feelers are out and we will looking to lock in replacements ASAP.
Originally the preseason was only going to consist of one official match but it now seems all clubs have arranged a second hit out. The first lot of matches will commence on 23 February and the second round will take place from 3 March to 7 March. The keys dates for this season are outlined below. As with last year, we have an aggressive timeframe for the draft period but this is to help with ensuring we get the best look as possible at players before finalising our keepers.
Invites to AFL Fantasy have gone out - let me know if you haven’t received the invite or if you have changed your email address. Great work to the 12 coaches who have already signed up.
AFL Preseason
Preseason games have kicked off and will be running for the next couple of weeks before we move on Round 0.
2025 Game Changes
With the updates to AFL Fantasy it means we again have the ability to have a utility player (now known as a Flex) on field. Therefore we will be amending our squads back in line with 2023 as follows:
Backs x 5
Centres x 6
Forwards x 5
Ruck x 1
Flex x 1
Note, emergencies only replace a non-scoring player if they have the same position allocation, unless:
- your utility doesn’t play the first scoring interchange player will replace them.
- should your ruckman not play and you have another ruck in your starting 18 then backup ruck will move to the ruck position. Emergency cover will then be provided to the position from which the backup ruckman has come from, ie if a RF ruckman is played as a forward but is needed to cover a ruck spot then the first listed forward emergency will become a scoring player.
The intention is to have lockouts through the season for the first Saturday game. However the deadline to sign free agents will be by the first Friday night night game. Free agents will be restricted for 2 days and then allocated per priority rank which will be ladder order after Round 1 and then reverting to the bottom. A mid season draft we will also run a mid-season draft after round 11, with reverse ladder order used to select newly listed players.
Preseason match 25 February to 2 March
Round 0 commences 6 March
Round 1 commences 13 March
Final trades to be finalised by 6pm 1 March
Squads to be trimmed to 20 by 6.00pm 2 March - to be done in the AFL Fantasy Website/Ap
Evening of 2 March a spreadsheet with available players will be circulated
Draft to commence no later than midday on 3 March
Draft to be completed by Wednesday 12 March
Partial Lockout for Round 1 at 7.30pm Thursday 13 March
I will be updating the current squad thread tomorrow with the squads as at the end of 2024.
Draft Order
I will post in the next day or so the draft order as it currently stands after our midseason trade period.
Please feel free to post on Blitz, but the official squads will be taken from AFL Fantasy. I am still working through how trades will be reflected in our current squads.
LTI List
It looks like we have the ability to use a LTI list again. Working on the assumption this is available, anyone wishing to list a LTI will have to do so prior to the commencement of the draft to get a pick in the post draft ‘LTI Draft’. Otherwise you will have to wait until the first free agency period to acquire a replacement.
Draft Format
We will once again be using AFL Fantasy for the draft. It looks like it will be super easy to use. I will still send out the initial spreadsheet with averages for the last couple of years and also post the overall draft picks in Blitz. The combination of email alerts and texting should ensure the draft moves smoothly.
We haven’t seen any action on the trade front yet, but it would be great if everyone was active in trying to improve their lists and or draft positions. Please do the right thing by other coaches and respond to their PMs. There is nothing more frustrating than a non response.
As always let me know if you have any questions or issues. Go Bulls!