#4 Kyle Langford — not our worst in possibly our worst



With us?

Interesting article. Doesn’t dislodge my belief he was criminally underutilized in preseason games and could have been given more opportunity prior to now but ultimately if he signs and develops into the player we all hope he can it doesn’t really matter.


That is why you don’t believe anything anyone involved in the AFL says. Like aboods said above, they all lie and you can’t believe a word they say.

Having said that it makes perfect sense and is most likely true as common sense would suggest it is and that’s how football teams work. Player doesn’t just get dropped for no reason and is given detailed reasons why and what he needs to work on to get back in.

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Flip side of the panic merchants on full display in this thread, the told you so’s. Keep blitzing Blitz.

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Langford playing VFL in this years preseason was all part of the master plan according to some.

Your cynicism is beyond pathetic. It’s a positive article, about a guy showing great improvement, so it must all be spin. Righto, lol.

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Well what I will say, is that it’s an interesting article. Some is fact, some is pr, and I learnt a couple of things I was told were not correct. But most were.

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cool story

Ok, then how about, Fark off cockbreath!


Nah ill stay, im good.

[quote=“Hurleys_Taxi_Driver, post:6893, topic:2084, full:true”]
Your cynicism is beyond pathetic. It’s a positive article, about a guy showing great improvement, so it must all be spin. Righto, lol.

Lol myself. Some cynicism is healthy especially toward media. I didnt have a whole lot toward this article if that helps, but thanks for asking before attacking me. My initial post was in response to a discussion point of another poster. The phrase “beyond pathetic” is probably over the top.
I didnt question the positivity of the article. Nor did I say it was spin. I am very happy reading it. It makes me feel good. But it is a fact that PR teams are employed to manage the message to their employer’s public. It is healthy to approach all media releases knowing this.


Why does this thread need to be so ugly?


I reckon the same approach (player development/transparent communication) is being taken with Francis.


It ain’t ugly, its Blitz!

Fair enough, This should be a happy thread though, been a great year form Langers.


He’s no lebron

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If Langford was traded to Collingwood how many extra jumpers would they sell ?

Killer mike will take one


Idk bro.