#4 Kyle Langforward

You seem to want to re-write to a degree. Brad had no real idea on our players having just come in. He stated that he relied on the assistants who advised him Langers would do well as a defender, essentially the Martin current role. So that’s what they focused on.

Injury happened and he was forced to make a move and knew Langers would be good forward. Once he was there he realised that is his best position but that he can be moved elsewhere if need arises.

Brad was very clear on that at the time.

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the intention was for kyle to play defence, the reason is not the issue, just the action. you and cap can argue all you want

But again you are missing the point: he relied on what the other coaches told him about Langford. Once he saw him properly, during games, he knew the decision and he has stuck with it.

You are making it seem like Brad had made a decision based on his own stubbornness and was only forced to change against his will. That’s not it at all.

is a head coach not ultimately responsible for the actions of his and his coaches?

Not for the first time, it appears you need a Bovril and a good lie down.

My point was Scott made the move of Langers to the forward line, preseason intention doesn’t even come into it.

Are they not allowed to make changes to the side when and how it is needed? I don’t know what picture you want to paint but it is coming off as ridiculous.

Just like he has done with Martin to some very important justification. He made a decision after watching him play, to move Martin to a new role, and it has paid off. That decision was made after watching him.

Not quite he started half back in Scott’s first game and out of necessity moved him forward once Wright got hurt.

a very simple picture, anyone that has watched langford, knows hes a terrific mark and set shot at goal, anything else the club wanted him to do stole 30-50 goals a season for most of his career. hes succeeded despite the clubs actions

No argument there. All l said was Scott was the one who moved him forward, and forward is where he has remained.

You really have no idea if that is true though. He himself has said that the flexibility of learning new positions has helped his forward craft. That and also the fact we have a new midfield that can deliver the ball to him. There is no surety that would have happened under our previous coaches and game plans.

Brad Scott in his first season has moved him forward and kept him there. But you seem to want to paint it as though Brad has done him wrong. He hasn’t.

brad scott inadvertently set him forward once they decided to put 2mp in for surgery, (after round 1).

Nothing inadvertent about it. He made the choice and moved him forward.

I don’t know what your beef with Brad Scott is but you have chosen a bizarre player to use it on. Brad is the one who has utilised Langers to his maximum.

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In an alternate universe Langford might have been all Australian half back last year.

i dont have a beef with bradles, i just dont think hes as infallible as you clearly think he is

Dude have a bovril and lie down, your brain is scrambled.


In another universe he could have ended up playing NRL.

I agree with Barnz on this.
I think Brad wanted Langers back in search of his answer to improving ball movement out of our defensive half.
He is now doing that with Martin.

All the while, Brad was aware of Langers versatility but I don’t believe he ever saw him as a potential pure full fwd. Necessity became the mother of invention.

Brad fell upon the answer that may have seemed obvious to some.


I really think Langers is a solid chance at the Coleman.
It strikes me that he has only just now started to hone his craft in the full time forward role.
He did very well last year, but now that he is set to focus his development, he may become one of the recognised best fwds in The Comp.

He displays an uncanny knack of ball sense , can take contested marks and is unbelievable good at working his opponent off the ball when it hits the ground. He is more agile than most of his defensive match ups which means they can’t neutralise him by cutting off marking opportunities.

He must be a bloody headache for any defender match up, he can mark like a tall and yet crumb like a small when he needs to.


barnz is right.

Langford played most of 2022 as a forward.

He spent the entire 2023 preseason training as a backman, played there round 1, got moved forward round 2 to cover an injury and bagged 5 goals. He was inexplicably moved back to defense in round 3 even after his 5 goal bag. Langford finally settled as a permanent forward in the following weeks.