We seem to have topped out a little over 26mm.
Left Aireys inlet at 6.30 for dinner at Lorne, got back 9pm farkin saturated, not a drop in Lorne in the 2.5 hourswe were there.
So this is the main Hwy between Vancouver and the Interior of BC. By the time this was filmed- last Monday- all routes from the Coast to the interior were cut off due to washouts/landslides/mudslides and flooding.
We were hit by a weather bomb, with some sections of the province getting 200-250mm rain in 24 hours. And this after a wetter than normal October.
We have just had an alternate route re-open as of last night- but only for essential travel/supplies and emergency services. The Coquihalla is forecast to be out of action for months…
Fuel is being rationed to 30 litres per fill atm. Although we have just had one route ftom the Coast re-open, it’s going to be a long haul
The worry is we are expecting another 70-100mm of rain this week.
Happy days.
And this gives a good overview
Its not good for most farmers in the east….can’t get critical operations done at the right time, cause its too wet so crops will now be sub standard and hay low quality
Can’t beat those Canuck engineers; their freeways make really good aqueducts.
Mero is in Abbotsford. Right in the middle of the Sumas Prairie- that USED to be the Sumas lake
And if the dykes don’t hold, it’ll be a lake again…
He is flood central.
I’m in Kelowna- we just got a little damp, lost a few trees and had no power for a while.
And the main Hwy to the coast is fubar for a few months
Nah, I’m Mero
It got a bit wet out here, but we’re 1km from where the rain go to.
My mate was kayaking down the highway last weekend.
It was waist deep. And that’s the Trans Canada Hwy, which would probably equate to the Hume.
We have three sets of friends whose houses are still under water.
One of them lives here
This was the view from our friend’s place last weekend
Good to see your friend has traded the SUV in for a tinnie…
Geez, their house is toast. Not good Mero
That’s not their boat, they don’t know whose it was.
They were in their boat.
Melbourne water storages hit 90% … fantastic.
Bummer about the house, but on the bright side - free boat!
Stay safe over there.
Getting an absolute drenching right now. Seems very localised and not much else behind it looking at the radar.
mmmm… that smell of a summer storm
there’s something about it
Thought it was gonna pass us by. Now my gutters are overflowing and whoever left a bedroom window open for some fresh air can have some stinky wet carpet air instead.
It’s the Thunderstorm Asthma that you can smell.