A thread about rain and no other things

Didn’t even register in rain gauge down here. Some spitty stuff in the morning.

Fark the rain. Busiest time of the year and its peeing down. Lot of unhappy people missing out on a new driveway for Christmas!!

Things I’ve learnt on bomberblitz.

Driveway installations have a peak season.

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Or you could use concrete, like a normal person.

More fun to hose down, too.

Concrete is all we do. Bitumen is for the pikeys.
Anyway, back on topic, pouring today, concrete that is. Pouring for the next 4 days, rain, lots of it.

Ask an Italian about concreting. Or a Greek.

Gives them something to hose off.

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This has been a bumper spring. Last weeks 120+ mm over the Thompson has given a massive boost, but also the Desal plant has contributed.

As at 18/11/21, we are at 88.8%. The ground south of the divide is still at field capacity, so, with a bit of luck we might just make it to 90% before the late spring plateau and summer roll-off, especially given the continuation of La Nina watch conditions. In fact 20 mm is forecast for Melbourne next Sunday, so that might be our best chance to make 90%

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Paint in green. Looks like grass!

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Old Italian neighbours when growing up laid concrete for a driveway. They watered that thing every single day, even when it rained. Amazingly, they proved that if you watered everyday concrete would grow: by the time they kicked off the earth every part of their house surrounds was concrete with little outgrowths of concrete figures and concrete animals. It was fascinating.


You go out Templestowe way where a lot of Italian families fled to when they were done with Carlton (much as the Jews fled to Caulfield the generation before), and you see all these plaster or concrete lions on top of the front fences…

We called that Art Dago.


Its official. The BOM has declared La Nina conditions.


Rain forecast for Melbourne tomorrow, so with up to 20 mm we seem likely to hit the 90% water storage level for this cycle. In any case, storage levels are highest they have been for nearly 25 years.

Sure. We got global warming, who said that for Melbourne that means “drought” ( for now, at least)

Good for the regions.
As long as it stops raining long enough for them to harvest.
I’ll cop mid twenties over New Years for a few years if it means our lakes are full and towns don’t look derelict.

Suppose I have to worry about floods now.

On an unrelated note, it’s five years since the thunderstorm asthma event.
Doesn’t feel like it.
I remain kind of annoyed that the BOM keeps warning about what very much was a once in a century event.

Thunder and steady rain (with more to come) right now on the SW coast.

Not here yet.

Just hit…5.04pm. Thunder and solid rain, and a very, very close thunderclap.

I did warn you.


I like rain.


23mm in 45 minutes and it hasn’t stopped yet

Hasn’t hit the Macedon Ranges yet, but the birds know something’s up. This time of the day they are normally out loud and busy, currently all in their nests, creatures great and small.

I had to go there…

Thunderclap Noonan