The butler did it.
Lucky it was a pump action rather than an automatic weapon. It’s a good argument for why automatic weapons should be banned but I’m sure the NRA will find some other crazy argument.
Being bullied all his life made him shoot up a school fmd
“We need more guns” or “teachers need to be trained in firearms”
More guns than people in the USA…so, less people would also work
Thats nuts also have the hightest toll in gun violance then any other country in the world
Sooooo you’re condoning mass shootings?
Pretty clearly they are working on that.
Good idea. Let’s start on that with blowing up the fundamentalist churches. This Sunday will do.
Well, no-one’s going to drink it, are they?
Bloody hell
Insane, what is wrong with these people
If primary school kids all had gats then nobody would shoot the place up
NRA: ‘Only Thing That Stops A Bad Guy With Nescafe Is A Good Guy With A Nescafe’
You don’t know pain until you’ve dropped a jar of Nescafe on your foot.
Hey man, what you selling?
I got AK-47s, AR-15s, Blend-43s… you name it.