Another Mass Shooting, (Just Another Day) in America

I dont disagree on the views that the gun laws need to change, they do.

But other issues are being ignored and its not video games.

The mentally valaunrable are being targeted by extremists whether they are White Supremacist, Radicla Islamists, Anti Abortionists. That needs to be targeted just as much as the gun laws.

What’s extreme about white supremacists or anti abortionists? They’re currently pre requisites for office in the US, if you hadn’t noticed.

Jeeeeepers. That’s big. Surely that is going to become a big story

I’ll bet you all my money it won’t.

Remember the pro trump florida terrorist trying to mailbomb dem politicians ? Did that make a dint?


Oh you’re right for sure. I’m just being irrationally hopeful.

Not funny, but I still laughed.

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Love how some of you are putting this on Trump, this shyte has been happening in the US for decades, not just the Trump years, decades.

The issue isn’t Trump, the issue is the whole of the US failing to grow a brain and do something about guns., Always has been the issue, always will be the issue.

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You’re totally right.

There are only ever two causes of a mass shooting or terorrism event. They are:

  1. Access to weapons
  2. Poor mental health

In some countries (luckily) they have addressed the former - although not the US. In almost no countries have they ever addressed the latter.

You know how to cut to the core of me…

It’s not the whole of the US.

But it’s a big part, and certainly not just DJT.

Virtually unregulated capitalism creating inequality

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Except didn’t this guy drive from Dallas to El Paso specifically to kill hispanics? If so it’s a hate crime. By someone who idolises Trump. Who stirs up anti-Hispanic hate for political gain.

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And there needs to be far more of it, mass protests all over the country demanding change.

All mass shootings are a hate crime (even single ones are too).

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Cutting to the core is more your thing.

What’s the point. Sandy Hook got ZERO legislative response. They’ve signed their social contract. Mass shootings are now ingrained in their society.

Of course. But to absolve Trump of responsibility for hate crimes committed by his death cult against the targets of his hate is as silly as blaming him for all mass shootings.


This is all very close to home (last week with the Gilroy shooting literally “close”). So I will stay out of an extended back and forth.

That said, one can add the fuel of right wing White Supremacist terrorism to the already Code Red mix in the US.

Words, both explicit and implicit, matter. When the leader of the country constantly demonizes parts of the population one can’t be surprised when disaffected and radicalized people act out their fantasies.