Apart from TIPPA, which new player are you most excited about?

Parish, Francis, Morgan, Redman, Eades, Nyuon, TIPPA, Brown, Bird, Wallis, Hartley, Big Lewie … have I missed anyone? I really can’t remember the last time we had this many new faces at the club. Could’ve been 1977 when the Baby Bombers Version 1.0 all rocked down from the Mallee.

There’s excitement around the Cult of Tippa, I’m hearing that Yestin Eades could be a surprise packet, Francis seems to be a natural footballer, and according to the training reports Darcy Parish moves like a Rolls Royce (hopefully with a better turning circle). Who are you most excited about? If your answer’s Tippa then give us a second name as well. Of course, your response might be dredged up and used against you in years to come as per my “2015 will officially be the Year of Lauchie Dalgleish” prediction. But don’t let that stop you.

I’ll kick this off from left-field - I’m most excited about Mitch Brown. He’s over his shoulder issues, he’s just come off a cracking 2015 for Sandringham, got better and better as the year went on and seems really hungry to make it this time around. He’s ready-made, a great mark, a really good size and plays smart. Who’s yours?

I’ll nominate Parish. He’s the best junior midfielder over the past 2 years and we are crying out for ball winning quality midfielders. Also, when was the last time we used a top 5 pick on a midfielder?

Morgan. He’ll cut them up in the VFL early doors. Then have a “slump”, then finish the season strong, and probably play 3 or 4 games at the back end of the season.

At the end of 2005 we lost M. Allan, J.Murphy, M.Alvey, B.Haynes, T.Zantuck, D.Cupido, P.Thomas, M.Bullen, T.Richards, S.Hunt, A.Wilson, R.Bain.

And we gained…

S.Camporeale, C.Heffernan, R.Cole, S.Lonergan, C.Dempsey, A.Lucy, J.Neagle, P.Ryder, L.McKinnon, H.Hocking, M.Firman, T.O’Keefe.

You can all thank me for that depressing piece of information at your leisure.

In answer to the real question - Parish. I like a bit of an underdog, a bit of a battler. He’s basically got nothing going for him, and yet he has been rated for what seems like forever. Gets ball, gets rid of ball, does it quick and with accuracy. I personally think he will play early, and we’ll love him from the start. Enough even to forget about his hair, or at least be able to look past it. Later on, he may not quite have the hurt factor. Time will tell. But I really like a pure footballer, and this kid is that.

We drafted players other than TIPPA?

I’ll go Langford and Laverde.

If I had to pick one of those then Laverde. Thinking back to the Collingwood game and then seeing how he looks in pre season he could be anything this year.

My choice is Hartley.

Been very impressive in the VFL and would have been recruited for a reason. Expecting him to be regularly in the defence for the next decade.

All of them. Some great potential this year. I am thinking Hartley could be the surprise.

Most interested in Morgan, because the club has intimated they know something a lot of others don’t. He could turn out to be a miss, or if things go well, a more than serviceable half-back flanker in the Atley mould. But if things go ridiculously well he could end up a midfielder since his work on the inside is really good, he’s agile and can burst out of stoppages.

Redman I see as the second (slightly lesser) coming of Laverde = good times.

Pretty excited about all of them really but you can’t go past the big red head.
That Francel is so hot right now.

Looking forward to seeing Francis. He could be my new second fave after Heppell (first favourite). Honestly I am pretty happy with the recruiting of all of Parish, Francis, Morgan, Redman, Eades, Nyuon, TIPPA, Brown, Bird, Wallis, Hartley, Big Lewie and Tippa. I am quite interested to see how Leunberger goes, was very highly rated in his draft year and I wonder how he will go a few years down the track.

Unfortunately I don’t think there were many of the 1.0 Baby Bombers from the Mallee, I reckon they were mostly from the Wimmera.

Hard to pick. Probably Parish with a dash of McKenna.



Im expecting francis and parish to play a lot of footy next year and i think they both will be very good

Eades brings sonething we seriously lack. Exciting prospect i reckon

Looking forward to seeing Francis. He could be my new second fave after Heppell (first favourite). Honestly I am pretty happy with the recruiting of all of Parish, Francis, Morgan, Redman, Eades, Nyuon, TIPPA, Brown, Bird, Wallis, Hartley, Big Lewie and Tippa. I am quite interested to see how Leunberger goes, was very highly rated in his draft year and I wonder how he will go a few years down the track.

Unfortunately I don’t think there were many of the 1.0 Baby Bombers from the Mallee, I reckon they were mostly from the Wimmera.

Thanks Mad Bomber. I always get them mixed up. But yeah … Dimboola. Nhill, Kaniva, etc = Wimmera.

Beastin and morgan, both are just sick ■■■■■. Especially Beastin.

At the end of 2005 we lost M. Allan, J.Murphy, M.Alvey, B.Haynes, T.Zantuck, D.Cupido, P.Thomas, M.Bullen, T.Richards, S.Hunt, A.Wilson, R.Bain.

And we gained…

S.Camporeale, C.Heffernan, R.Cole, S.Lonergan, C.Dempsey, A.Lucy, J.Neagle, P.Ryder, L.McKinnon, H.Hocking, M.Firman, T.O’Keefe.

You can all thank me for that depressing piece of information at your leisure.

In answer to the real question - Parish. I like a bit of an underdog, a bit of a battler. He’s basically got nothing going for him, and yet he has been rated for what seems like forever. Gets ball, gets rid of ball, does it quick and with accuracy. I personally think he will play early, and we’ll love him from the start. Enough even to forget about his hair, or at least be able to look past it. Later on, he may not quite have the hurt factor. Time will tell. But I really like a pure footballer, and this kid is that.

So … similar turnover in 2005. It’s really that depressing though, given that the ins were better than the outs.
Dempsey +Judas + Buddha > Teddy Richards and co.

My choice is Hartley.

Been very impressive in the VFL and would have been recruited for a reason. Expecting him to be regularly in the defence for the next decade.

I’ll go out on a bit of limb here and suggest that the bolded bit is true of every drafted player.


I know this might start a series of puns but for me, I think Gach Nyuon could be any thing! Raw potential and could end up being our version of Nic Nat. Didn’t have to give up a high pick to get him too.
Give it time but this boy could end up being one of the more exciting players of the competition.