At the movies - From the couch

Consider this friendship terminated.


I’m trying to think of any mafia movies that I have actually like. Does the untouchables count?

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Yeah. It’s a mafia movie.

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If that counts, there is a few I like:

Road to Perdition( awesome movie)
American Hustle
American Gangster
Donnie Brando
Public Enemies
French Connection( not sure if this counts as a mafia movie though)

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Any film with Gene Hackman for me


Parts 1 & 2.
Part 2 is not usually regarded as highly as Part 1, but is every bit as good.

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Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore (1974) is one that’s a lot different from the usual Scorsese fare. Excellent lead performance by Ellen Burstyn, I thought the film was very good.

Have you seen Night Moves? Been on my list for ages, but I haven’t been able to track it down.

Night Moves, which one?
The 1975 movie with Gene Hackman & Jennifer Warren, or the 2013 movie with Jesse Eisenberg & Dakota Fanning?

The '75 one, I like Gene Hackman.

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The Godfather movies ?

I don’t like mafia movies, but The Godfather ones I really liked.

Good story, great acting and the Godfather music score gives me goosebumps when I hear it.


Excellent film

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A long time ago. That and The Conversation are on a par

The Conversation is masterful.

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Haven’t seen any of them, just never got around to it. They are definitely on my watch list

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I will keep trying to track it down. I saw The Conservation going back a good few years, only have vague memories of it.

A couple of others starring Hackman I’ve got on my list are Zandy’s Bride (also because it was filmed around Big Sur) and Eureka (and because I liked some of Nicholas Roeg’s other movies). They’re also proving a little difficult to find. Seen either of them?

I recall Zandy’s Bride, which has some similarities with the earlier William Holden in Rachel and the Stranger.
I don’t recall Eureka, but have seen something on the Oakes murder.
I used to belong to film groups, but that was ages ago and so there is a time gap in my classics.
There is a box of VHS recorded old films somewhere in the garage, one day I’ll get to find them among all the family accumulated junk there.
I did the French Connection NYC run of Popeye Doyle.

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Another really good private eye film from that era is Farewell My Lovely with Robert Mitchum, directed by someone called ■■■■ Richards. Fantastic performance by Mitchum.


And in the original Cape Fear, superior to the Scorsese one.


The fact is, Robert Mitchum was one of the truly great actors. The role I remember most of his was as a homicidal preacher in the Deep South in a film called The Night of the Hunter, which was the only film that Charles Laughton directed, made in 1955. If you ever get the chance to watch that, take it. I was lucky enough to see a fully restored print at ACMI and as I was walking out at the end the only thing I could say was Wow!