At the movies

Peter Jackson has a lot to answer for on the cgi horde front.

He did it in a way that made it look as real as possiblem(in the first trilogy). Now everyone does it, and does it poorly.

Really hope Thanos kills off a ton of the boring side Marvel characters, like winter soldier, hawkeye, jarvis or whatever his name is, the olsen chick. Being some actual stakes to the whole thing

Iā€™d like to see him kill off some of the main players, thatā€™d make for a much more interesting movie.

isnā€™t that the whole point of this movie?

I donā€™t know enough about ā€œTHE MARVEL UNIVERSEā€ to know what the hell is going on.

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Canā€™t wait to see random huge ship destroying a city with thousands of faceless minions to be destroyed by the avengers crew and then some talk about morals throughout.


What? And for upsetting benfti (and many others) for scrimping on spending for the football department.



there canā€™t be many more cities left to destroy

I was hoping to see the rotating light disc and beam which is the go to CGI weapon of choice when the planet is under attack.

I feel sorry for the Kraken who had a good run appearing in movies a few years back but has been out of work for a while - the light beam has taken all its work. I can only guess that the Krakenā€™s rider is too demanding.

HOLY FARK itā€™s the biggest Marvel movie ever since the last Marvel movie and until the next Marvel movie three months later HOLY FAAAAARK

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It will be interesting to see how we go from AVENGERS INFINITY WAR into Ant Man 2.

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Theyā€™re not for adults.

Super hero movies are just made for children,ā€¦ let them enjoy them.


Fixed. :stuck_out_tongue:

God yes. I wish that once in a while a moviemaker would do something more visually interesting with a mass combat scene than 'two ragged mobs of dudes running at each other and yelling.

I swear, they were even playing the LotR soundtrack over the title spread at the end.ā€™

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Pretty sure Mel Gibson started it with Braveheart.

Pretty sure Braveheart was practical. Looks very different

Yeah, not cgi.

But that same scene where the two opposing armies run at each other.

LOTR is mostly practical also I believe. I thought all they did was duplicate the armies to make them appear bigger than they are.

Yeah itā€™s the helicopter shot of the cgi horde which has become very cliche. whole armies of little ai cgi soldiers were created for them, it isnā€™t done with photo montage when they are running at each other.

But youā€™re right the uruks and orcs are all practical for the close ups and hero battles. The ridiculous moment of Legolas on the elephant is another issue.

Avengers has taken the cgi army thing to a new level with the heroes fighting wave after wave of cgi goons too. Itā€™s thoroughly unexciting to watch and itā€™s probably why Winter soldier was appreciated, no horde mode.

GOT stands out here. The battle of the bastards was incredible. Ditto the Dothraki/Drogon charge against the Lannisters. A big part of these scenes is the tension created before and during the battles by music which is amazing in Thrones and a total after thought in Marvel movies. Thrones also had the benifit of character development and the tension that brings.

I think a lot of those comic book movies have taken it to far unfortunately. I canā€™t even watch them without getting bored.

The Dark Knight ruined all comic book movies for me because it set the bar so high.

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