At the movies

Army of the Dead looked rubbish

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No CGI here, just 17,000 Russian extras from the movie The Battle of Waterloo


When you do see the real thing, it’s very impressive

Not all of us are as old as noonan to have seen the real battle.


Train to Busan

Best zombie movie since Shaun of the Dead.

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Agree, very, very good movie.

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South Korea have a very inventive film industry. The action scenes are very impressive.

Very well acted movie also, good characters, which took me by surprise.

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Something Hollywood could learn off them is how they build the characters.

None of the one dimensional stuff you would expect from an American action film.

Haven’t seen a good zombie film for ages. Is it out at the cinemas or movies?

My favourite zombie films
28 days later
28 weeks later
Dawn of the dead remake
Zombie land
World war z

On Netflix

So you hate Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and all the Marvel movies?

You’re a monster.


No love for Shaun of the Dead?

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I liked lotr, particularly two towers, but return of the king was bloated. The First Avengers was great, the second one was laughable for being almost identical.

It is a ‘cliche’.

It has become very, ‘cliched’.

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World War Z was god awful (book snob).

it came out last year I think.

Shaun of the Dead has to be on that list surely.

Was never a fan of Shaun of the dead. I saw it a few years after it came out and it didn’t live up to the hype. Just didn’t find it funny

I do like simon pegg, not so much the other guy

Didn’t enjoy the fart jokes?