At the movies

But who defines what is “artistic”

Only a nomination?

Clearly you have a lot less respect for film than I do.

A best picture nomination should be just that. One of the best films of the year.

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“Not a superhero movie”

Yeah even @wimmera1 said he wouldn’t see Birdman twice. Bet he’s seen Forest Gump and Shawshank Redemption quite a few times.

Yes, I agree that can be very subjective but we can all tell what a classic film is when we watch it.

Without going through our films of the 2010’s thread I can’t recall too many people choosing Black Panther.

I still think Birdman is a better film than Gump (and it’s interesting that you rail against political films but pluck that bit of USA! propaganda out of the air) and Pulp Fiction was a better movie than both.

And ment for the big screen so U don’t sit their watching somebody picking their face for 45 minutes of the movie. :sleeping:

That’s about 7 minutes more than me.


And just because you don’t think it is…it shouldn’t get a nomination???

For me, film is a medium for my entertainment…I watch movies for enjoyment and different movies appeal at different times.

I love movies such as Schindler’s List and Spotlight but also have thoroughly enjoyed others like The Hangover and American Pie.

I don’t get bogged down in all the pretentiousness of whether or not there are holes in the storyline, or if there is an incorrect reference made.

Black Panther pulled in well over a billion dollars at the box office world wide so it would seem that a hell of a lot of people thought it worth seeing.

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They didn’t change laws due to watching Forest Gump FFS you did see them more than once.

Yeah, Britney Spears sold a sh!tload of albums too. Doesn’t make her John Lennon now does it.

It shouldn’t be a popularity contest.

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Have you seen both endings? I bought a bootleg in Bali and it had a different ending.

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■■■■■■■ swish!

And nor should it be a pretentious wankfest


Ehhhh, it was a bit post-Gulf War though.

I haven’t seen the other ending.
I did find the original ending quite satisfying, though.

I can’t remember which is which. I think the Bali version he goes out the window and flies around like an eagle through the buildings and traffic. I’m there thinking, “so he wasn’t a total nutter after all”

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Is Goodfellas pretentious? The Dark Knight? Fightclub?

There are many great films that aren’t pretentious but are still amazing films but more importantly classics.

I agree films like Birdman are pretentious and shouldn’t be recognise for the big awards but some of the more technical aspects is fine.

But there are still great films being made that just don’t get the recognition they deserve and Black Panther is not one of them.

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That’s certainly reaching.

Definitely a different ending to the cinema.