Australian Politics -- and YOU WILL LIKE IT

Every week since the bushfires, which was years ago now, scomo just continually reveals he’s the worst piece of ■■■■ ■■■■ this country has ever produced. His parents have a lot to answer for. What an absolute turd of person.


Mate. He’s moved on from that. You should too


I’m not convinced that you should be so kind in your description of Scumo.


I agree @abracadraper was pretty restrained, given what he could have said.

I’ll say this, the Lib attack ads are going to be interesting.

Can you trust Labor?
They might put a tax on carbon.
They might put is in record d…(can we say that? I guess? I mean they might. Doesn’t matter who currently holds the record) debt.
They might make gay marriage legal (psst…no).
They might…steal your cat.
Well, they might.
They might…protect Medicare? Is that a bad thing? I don’t even know anymore.


The problem is there’s just too much to articulate. There’s too many examples, too much evidence, too many instances of blatant, inexcusable incompetence. One would have to write a whole novel to properly articulate the ineptitude that’s occurring in Canberra right now. The Chaser’s list of 120 examples or whatever it was isn’t enough to fully paint the picture.

Scotty from Marketing just sucks. He’s sucked at everything he’s tried to do. He sucks when compared to the rest of the world’s leaders. He sucks compared to his contemporaries. He even sucks when judged by the metrics he wants to be judged on. To say ‘follow this trail bread crumbs and you’ll see that he sucks’ doesn’t adequately state it. He’s put up neon signs pointing to a bakery he’s running, wearing a little bakers hat and an apron that says “I didn’t ■■■■ myself at Engadine Maccas in 1997,” producing loaf after loaf of wholegrain suck. The only person on Earth who sucks at their job more than he is his empathy consultant.


I literally cannot think of a single thing he has actively achieved.

I can think of many that he’s passively achieved by inaction or intransigence, but actively leading to acheive a pre-planned result? Cannot think of anything.

Even Abbot achieved stuff. Stuff that I generally despise, but he achieved it nonetheless.


That is gold, Sniggles. Well done!

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Oh, stop it you.

First PM to cover up a rape inside Parliament House

First PM to have a pedophile as best friend/mentor

First PM to make a comparison to ‘The Croods’ in a political address

First PM told to ‘get off the grass’ while standing on a local’s freshly seeded lawn

First govt to support a Senate motion that it’s “ok to be white”

First govt to allocate 4 billion dollars to bushfire recovery and not spend a single cent 2 years after the fact


i reckon these 2 are his only plausible achievements, i reckon given how history has been the rest has been achieved by earlier generations

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First PM to leak private texts from a world leader

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So you’re saying he’s untouchable?

I’m saying that this is what it’s like trying to summarize his term.



There was an alleged leak of part of a convo between Rudd and Dubya,
Dubya asking ‘What’s the G20”
The French Embassy site has a summary of the Morrison Macron telephone conversation of 28 October

Add: first PM to destroy trade with our #1 customer.

And: first to alienate the EU.

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First PM to go on holiday in the middle of a national emergency

First PM to be grossly incompetent (may not be factually correct)

First PM to dial it in when it comes to climate change (may not be factually correct)

First PM to be an utter prick (may not be factually correct)

Who is his best friend/mentor who is a pedophile?

I think that might be getting garbled somewhere along the road.

Morrison’s best friend is a qanon nut.

His spiritual mentor, the Hillsong guy, is not a pedophile himself, but covered up for the previous Hillsong head, his father, who was.