Australian Politics -- from 2022 Federal Election


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It’s fantastic that they’ve finally got a voice in the media instead of the usual woke lefty crap.

I’d be heartbroken if they paid more tax. How often do you use your teeth anyway?

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But I think the point is they won’t pay any extra tax. These people are far smarter than the morons in government and know every loop hole there is. I’m willing to bet they never pay a cent extra even though they should.

This is exactly the kind of bargain basement blog post that normally wouldn’t be paywalled except it is


And a big FU to the LNP

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We saw what happened to Julia when she came after their money.

But those billionaires.


gotta really appreciate the clowns that keep electing liberal govts when we’ve destroyed our environment with mining and we have ■■■■ all national trust built up from said evisceration.

good economic managers indeed.

eat the rich, tax companies


I don’t think any party can take the high morale road when it comes to mining. It’s been a mess for a very long time


yeah cool, one partys been in charge for the majority of my life time, and i dont vote labor

Good luck with that one, buddy. Rn Merkel QC should have his testicles mashed into paste.

Other sanctioning countries have sanctioned his steel company, but not him.
Rio Tinto and Origin have had joint ventures with some Russian companies, some of the Oligarchs connected to those companies have been sanctioned by Australia, but AFAIK Abramov does not appear to be connected to them .
Superfunds were supposed to be selling off Russian investments

I mean…one party legit tried to impose a mining tax.

Feel like that should be mentioned.


And while I’m not being nice, like any major change that didn’t completely Fark the poor, the Liberal Party opposed it.
And then they got the Wrecker elected.
And then he was deposed by a Jesus Freak throwback to the 19th century.
And Sky News watchers are honestly going….’what did we do wrong?!?!’

Die in a fire.


The one that raised less than 1/10th of what it was aimed to do?
I’ve got absolutely zero problems with a hefty mining tax but we all know that it will never be paid.

It raised two fifths of Fark all because it never got past the Liberal Senate and Rudd didn’t have the balls to call a double dissolution.

But if he did…


The fucktation of this country is at the feet of the Liberal party.
Specifically Abbott, but you couldn’t say his replacement was an improvement.


Seriously, what are the Liberal Party “achievements”?

Sovereign Borders.

So…Farking the poor at every turn.


Go Fark yourself with a spiked fireman’s hose.


Mining companies do pay royalties…basically a mining tax by another name…and their rates have been increased by the states over the past 15 years.