Australian Politics -- from 2022 Federal Election

Journos ask Marles why he gave a speech in China.
Marles said, read the speech, it was critical of China.
Journo suggests he doctored it afterwards, Marles says no, LNP lied.
Then some other journos decide to ask Qs on ALP policy.
I’m not mad on Marles, he has previously been defensive at pressers - but he has stepped up to the mark, not waffling, answering the Qs, deferring to Chalmers on matters of detail ( except one journo from Sky persists on carbon credits - he won’t answer a simple Q yes no - maybe because it cannot be answered with a yes/no ?)


Like a “have you stopped beating your wife?” or “have you ever been caught masturbating in the closet?”.

We really need to work out what to do about the media. This is utter bullshit.

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PM doing cosplay in a camping and fishing shop, going to upgrade camping and fishing facilities. Like glamping in Hawaii?
No interviews today, no Qs about funding and details.

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“What do they like to do in their free time…do they have free time?” “Well, Prime Minister, our data shows they often go fish hunting…” “Like my Barra!” “Yes sir, like your Barra, and we are calling these ones ‘fishos’. We believe the same demographic will submit themselves willingly to sleeping long weekends in teepees and mobile toilets with fitted beds. We’re thinking ‘campers’ for these and also they will sometimes do the fish hunting in small tin craft, they are then referred to as ‘boaties’.” “Fishos, boaties and campers, got it. And they only do this is marginal seats you say? He works in mysterious ways doesn’t He?”

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Birmibghams that kind of ■■■■■■ that gets appointed to a medium management role in a workplace, talks big and then gets sacked a few months later because he never did a single THING in his role for the business

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Would love to see the media ask this avowed feminist, Deves, what she thinks about Liberal Parties handling of Brittany Highins, Grace Tame etc.

If they ever get to ask her another question.

And was she a captains oick by Scomo or a skirt pick?

Primarily a captains “oick” (lol) by scomo because of her bigoted views towards minorities. Bring a sheila, mate, like how good are we picking sheila has nothing to do with it.

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I guess parlimentary privilege and no HR dept in parliament means it will continue to be a magnet for people colluding or taking kickbacks from other countries or lobbyists, creationists, flat earthers, neo nazis, qAnon, holocaust misappropriators etc.

Followed by probably exactly what they wanted from this. People in the regionals getting ticked off by uppity city types, weirdos and sex deviants. They’re surrendering to the independents (and probably getting mostly conservatives in anyway) and looking to pry more Labor heartland away with CULTURE WARS^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1517702138927136770|twgr^|twcon^s1_&

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And it’s a simple rehash of his announcement from 2019. Why would anyone believe him? He didn’t deliver it the last parliament, there’s little chance he will in the next one (if he was elected).

"Prime Minister Scott Morrison has refused to face reporters today as he makes an announcement rehashed from the 2019 campaign.

Morrison is campaigning on the NSW Central Coast today, but won’t hold a press conference where reporters can press him on what he knew about the controversial defence pact between China and Solomon Islands before it was leaked."

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Back in the early ‘90s there was one of the first iterations of The Sims game. This is what it feel like to be a Sim.

In that game you could hike your taxes to the max, and treat the populace like trash. As long as you dropped taxes and made improvements before the end of the fiscal year, you’d still have a really high approval rating, taxes would flow, and the game would continue.


I dunno what primary school you went to but I highly doubt you could draw and colour that.

Why be mean to the artist?

Sums up the media.


Because it’s a very good effort for a school project but ■■■■■■■ terrible if it’s got anything to do with ALP’s campaign. Unless they’re targeting under 18’s which they probably shouldn’t be wasting resources on. Honestly I gave it a quick look, I imagine it was largely computer enhanced, and my reaction was sane enough as it was coming from BFox and he usually only posts ALP stuff. Do I need to care about the feelings of an artist of a picture like that anyway?

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If it does.

If it doesn’t it’s an over reaction?


I’ll sleep okay. The issue is it wouldn’t surprise me if it was something dreamt up by the marketing monkeys

Haha, you’ve got me. Shame BF didn’t explain what it was. Please bear in mind as you enjoy your Gotcha! moment that I praised it if it was the product of a non party affiliated person. If you want an actual assessment free of politics, it’s creepy as ■■■■.

Yeah, I don’t know if there is a simple yes or no answer and whilst I don’t think it was a great performance by him I don’t think it’s a hanging offence. I just wish one of the major parties would make a stance on coal. Get sick and tired of the “Coal will play a big part in Australia for the future” routine but obviously both parties are scared of losing votes