Australian Politics -- from June 2023

Defence Counsel reported Reynolds approach to them. Reynolds apologised, stating that the was unaware that such contact was not permissible.
It’s on the public record.
She also changed her story of the contact between her and her partner around the time he attended the trial. That’s also on the public record.

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@bigallan I know you’re a highly intelligent person and I respect this about you ……but please take a look at what Walter Sofronoff said about the things you are asserting. He conducted the inquiry and he disagrees with your assertions of impropriety

Who has access to the Sofronoff report, as compared to selected extracts leaked by the Oz?
Whatever , facts are facts as to her contact with defence counsel and the partner attending the trial.

Isn’t the Sofronoff reportreadily available online. I thought I saw a link earlier today ……perhaps I was mistaken……A well connected person like you should be able to get a copy. I admire your determination on this point……but Sofronoff fundamentally disagrees with your assertions - and he’s just conducted a very detailed inquiry

What’s available , including the TOR of the Board of Inquiry and its powers, protection of witnesses , their liabilities etc under the ACT Inquiries Act 1991.

I have no contact with anyone with inside information or from Canberra lawyers or others. I’m just going on the facts of the public hearings, plus the facts on the site quoted in this post.
I have not asserted or speculated.

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Chit a brick - so that’s what happened her ! Chvastek was one of the best presenters they had on the ABC. Too left for the Lieberal fascists, eh ?


That sounds like an assertion.

No matter what @Lawry says, Linda Reynolds is still a piece of shytt.


You are far too kind.

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Genuinely ironic.
Attacking Higgins is destroying Reynolds reputation far more thoroughly than anything else has or could.

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She tried to interview me once.

I attended a bushfire on the great ocean road with the local CFA. The rest of the crew had been there all morning, and I had just got there and was already helping myself to the food and instant the Red Cross ladies had provided.

Her “you look very tired…can you tell us what’s going on?”

(I’d literally just woken up, and had been out drinking all night and slept through the local siren. Probably still over the limit, and certainly not in the right head space to be fighting a (very small) fire.)

Me “no comment”


Thank you for your service


I thought the ACT wasn’t releasing it for a month to review? Have you read it? Or extracts from the Australian? I’d caution if extracts because context matters.

If you’ve got a link I’d be interested in reading the report.

According to the Guardian it’s not officially released - Shane Drumgold did not see Sofronoff inquiry findings before media leak | Australia news | The Guardian

Also volunteered with the CFA a couple of times at The Falls Festival.
Heaps of fun, and no camera crews.

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‘It’s time to abandon the Home Affairs Experiment’
Article of 3 August by Paddy Gourley in Inside Story
( Or, why mega departments don’t work except for the megalomaniacs running them)


Listening The ABC Party room podcast.

Fran Kelly just said “Bill Shorten took a cheap shot at Scott Morrison in Parliament, over Robodebt”

‘Cheap shot’?

Are you f*cking kidding me?

Edit: this was the supposed cheap shot


That is very kind to her, given what could have been said about her.

Fran fkg Kelly? Not for nothing for the last thirty+ years I have referred to her as “Mrs Potato Head”. Lucky for her she is from Snydey, so keeps a job at the ABC.

Adelaide origins, has spent most of her life as a journalist in Canberra