Australian Politics -- from June 2023

Having read the report, this is not a cheap shot.

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All those years she was on Radio National Breakfast barracking for the “Swannies” she was broadcasting from ACT. Really?

There are inaccuracies in the reporting and SMH. The Home Affairs Portfolio is and never was a mega Department. Each agency, apart from the ABF, was a statutory authority under the PGPA.

Not sure what game you are playing Bill.

I told you earlier that perhaps you should read the whole 600 pages of the report and not rely on what the scum from the Australian have to offer.

Why are you so interested in this? Really a none event, which will sort itself out. In any case, it is the ACT, so who really cares ?

Umm do you know what a “cheap shot” is? “An unfair or unsporting verbal attack on a vulnerable target.”

You think Scummo is a “vulnerable target”? You think what Bill Shorten said about him was unfair?

Oh no! I wasn’t clear. The statement by Shorten was not a cheap shot. Scott Morrison was appalling in his role in this, and that is me being as kind as possible.


Yes. She and Marion were in the next suburb. Karvelas, who has taken over her RN slot, lives in Melbourne.

It’s not a non event if we have a crooked DPP that lied to the judge and perverted the course of justice. Silks and retired judges suggesting they re open all cases in the ACT under Drumgold. If he’s found to be a crook on the BH case, maybe he lied and broke the law during other cases. Did those people get a fair trial ?

Why am I interested ? Well to declare my hand a little I’ve married into a family of lawyers (around 8 or 9 of them - in the immediate and wider family) and my old man is close to a well known (retired) criminal lawyer from an established Melbourne legal family ……plus I went to University with several lawyers/barristers ….so over the past few months this Sofronoff inquiry (along with Lawyer X) has been discussed a lot at BBQs and gatherings I’ve been at ……let’s just say the older barristers don’t have a very high opinion of Drumgold and they’re shocked he’s still got his job. I also had a cousin who spent a couple of years in jail and he ended up killing himself (great Bomber fan) ……so I have tendency to side with the accused and I believe passionately in a fair trial ……so I’m probably starting from a slightly biased position on Drumgold (who looks like he’s crooked DPP). You asked @Bacchusfox - hopefully that gives you some insight

As reported in the Canberra Times, the Board of Inquiry provided copies of the report under embargo, unbeknown to the ACT Government. The ABC yesterday acknowledged that it had a copy and provided more information than that published by Newscorpse.
Reportedly, the ACT Government intends to release the report, in whole or in part , next week.

But have you read read the six hundred pages, or as it seems rely on a scum reporter.

Drumgold is guilty of making a mistake in his evidence about when he spoke with the ABC media scum, and scolded because he questioned a scum MP on why her boyfriend was in court listening to evidence, that she was not allowed to hear.

If that is the extent of his crimes, then who the fark cares.

Maybe the ACT Police, DPP etc are in competent Hicks, but seems to me that The Australian is over the top on this for some reason.

Hey @Bacchusfox it’s far more serous than that. I’m not sure if you’re just being cheeky. Maybe wait for the full report to come out. Amongst a long list of things Sofronoff has found:

Drumgold lied to the chief justice (he admitted this during the Sofronoff Inquiry), he tampered with evidence by getting a junior lawyer to swear an affidavit 5 days after he said it was sworn then claimed it was done contemporaneously, he illegally tried to stop the defence team getting the Moller File (by falsely claiming legal privilege over the file when he had no right to do do), he tried to taint witnesses in front of the jury by falsely saying they were motivated in certain ways (which Sofronoff has said was false and could have misled the jury). The list goes on. All in all Drumgold may be charged with perverting the course of justice. If the exerts of the report as published are true, it will be a miracle if he isn’t charged according to leading silks and ex judges ………can you imagine if your son or daughter were charged with a crime and during the trial the DPP prosecuting the case broke the law and acted illegally and in a sneaky/misleading way, tampered with evidence, lied to the judge in an attempt to find your son or daughter guilty ? It goes to the heart of our criminal justice system. If the reports from the Sofronoff inquiry over the last 24 hours are accurate - then Walter Sofronoff has nailed a crooked DPP (Drumgold) and he deserves to go to jail

It’s got everything to do with the LNP. Bruce and Brittany are or were LNP. The handling of it was was within the LNP. Everything in its wake doesn’t change that, and it’s established that there’s a culture of both gross sexual harassment and worse, and of hair trigger litigious-ness in the LNP. Borne out again and again.


ACT police and DPP - the parties directly under scrutiny under the TOR of the Board of Inquiry - advise that they were not given copies of the report. Yet two MSM ( Oz and ABC) were given advance embargoed copies.

More importantly who leaked it? It could only have come from Sofronoff or his close personal staff or someone within the Labor ACT government……my guess is Sofronoff - maybe he felt like the report was very significant for the Australian public and the justice system - then Barr says he will release it over a month ……so much for transparency and wanting the truth - just release the bloody report

Labor - the great disappointment.


You are conflating two very different issues @Loflyer ……you’re referring to the BH/BL rape allegations and how they were handled by the former government and the culture inside Parliament House ….I agree that’s a very important issue …100% agree

The issue I’ve been banging on about is how the DPP and Police handled the investigation and trial of the BH/BL alleged rape. That’s what the Sofronoff Inquiry was setup to do (by the ACT government). It’s the conduct of Drumgold that’s been investigated by Walter Sofronoff and it looks like there are serious findings against Drumgold and a possibility he might be charged with acting illegally and perverting the course of justice. It also looks like there are no adverse findings against the Police from the Sofronoff inquiry

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The report wasn’t leaked, the Board of Inquiry provided embargoed copies to the Oz and the ABC.
The Oz ran with selective quotes the day it was handed to the ACT Government. The ABC stayed mum on that day, but following the Oz reporting, confirmed it had a copy and reported an extract critical of the ACT police that was not reported by the Oz.
It surprises me that the Board of Inquiry did not contemplate that the Oz would publish any of the report, nor of the procedural fairness and natural justice that might be due to the cops and Drumgold.

You seem to disagree with yourself on this…


No I don’t ……it was a suggestion I made specifically to @Bacchusfox

Yeah, the depressing thing is that the inquiry has thoroughly compromised its own appearance of integrity and impartiality by this incredibly stupid and ill-judged action. Not only did they hand out copies of the report to media outlets before allowing feedback from the subjects of the inquiry, but they were also extremely selective about WHICH media outlets got copies, and deliberately chose one that’s been pushing a deeply partisan agenda over the whole matter since day one. Did these twits REALLY think the Oz could be trusted to keep confidentiality over this?

So there’s the real and ridiculous possibility we’ll need to have an inquiry into the conduct of the inquiry. Sofronoff has pretty much guaranteed the issue won’t go away, because all the media who didn’t get leaked a copy will be out for his neck.