Australian Politics, Mark II

No arguments from me there

Plus the Nats support for coal mining, the number one issue for climate change (Hi Adani).

Farmers are affected by climate change with worsening droughts etc more than anything else & yet they continually vote for the pollies that support coal mining.

If ever there was any group that should be supporting wind & solar, it’s farmers.


I got no idea where to start looking for this data, but I wonder what proportion of farmers are the owner/operators of their land, and which just run the show for some conglomerate owner?

You could probably get it from the stats bureau but I would guess that most of the properties over 30,000 acres would be corporates, even if it may be one family that is majority shareholder. I would guess that the majority in the area I have some familiarity with, Great Southern WA, the same would apply. I personally know a handful of farmers that operate from three thousand to twenty thousand acre businesses that, for the most part, are aware of the djyk head element of the side of politics they usually favour. Unfortunately, the anti Labor party sentiment is virtually in their DNA. Of this cohort that I am familiar with, there is only one amongst them that I would call an unbending ratbag that you could not convince to even listen to an alternative idea. This particular ratbag told the bar at the bowling club that if Trump got elected it would be a good thing, no matter what because he was a businessman. Of the others (that I know and who frequent my bowling club) they are all genuine, nice people and are aware of their privileged positions. I could not imagine any of those I know, except that one, knowingly harming their holdings in any way.


Yeah that’s the inherent flaw in finding that out would be that most farms are “company owned” but the company is just the folks who run it.

All that aside, folks who post on Facebook about “support our farmers!” and also shop at Coles/Woolworths are just hilarious.


Very salient point.

If the supermarket duopoly were prevented in a regulatory manner from performing financial buttsecks on farmers then they’d have the opportunity to put a bit away for hard times such as these.

The part I don’t understand is where the Nats turn up once every election and scare them about greenies taking their resources and then after the election the Nats allow corporates to take their resources. Every time.


Buttsex. Just testing.

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I used that one before, it doesn’t work.

Came across that one (ooerr!) accidentally.

Uh huh …

Husar won’t stand at the next Election.

That whole affair sounds like A-Grade bitchiness and factional infighting. The ALP sometimes behaves more like a coalition of disparate elements than the Lib-Nat coalition.

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I confess that I assumed that it was something to do with teh gays.
Maybe I was thinking of twink.
But…maybe someone can enlighten me as to why it needs to be censored?
Urban Dictionary is no help.
In pm if it’s too rude.

That word was being used as a ref to Asians a while back.

Of course it was first about giving a mate a lift on your bike,… and these days is commonly known as an acronym for Dual Income No Kids.

But there’s no understanding the ridiculous filter on this Discourse set up, … nor why something can’t. or hasn’t been done to sort it out.

They must have different options, … surely??


Can’t say I ever heard it.

I think I’ve heard it in Vietnam War films, but more usually g**k.

I discovered the other day that a very very naughty f-word (not that one) doesn’t get filtered.

I’ve heard it used but not as a term for Asians, I think its mean idiot or dhead. Ch_nk is certainly a common slang for Vietnamese so maybe its a variant of that in some parts. Are the settings USA, that might explain it.

Edit I think ch_nk might be more specifically for Chinese ie “dock that ch_nk a days pay for napping on the job” - Blazing Saddles

If you watched any Vietnam War movies/shows back in the late 80’s early 90"s (Eg: Tour of Duty etc), … when it seemed to be FOTM, … you heard it.