Australian Politics, Mark II

Probably not for now. The shills got what they wanted. No emissions target. They’ll be gunning for backing out of the Paris agreement next. Malc will obey on that too.

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Has any other country ever had an invertebrate as prime minister?


Worth noting that Gillard passed more legislation in a minority government.


Berlusconi was a bit slimy

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Stepping on migrants and refugees is the only trick these Home Affairs clowns have in their arsenal. Remember when S Morrison was being talked up as a potential leader? It was all based on an image of toughness made on the backs of off shore detainees. When given a task that requires compassion and nuance? What happened? That’s right, we came to see him for what he really is. A farking lightweight that isn’t fit to work in the office of the PM let alone be one.

Dutton is a divisive race-baiter who has shown he is prepared to marginalise sections of the community if there is a redneck vote in it. A hollow man of zero substance. He’s a disgrace and if appointed, will permanently stain a once respected office.

Turnbull may be lots of things but he at least resembles what the Liberal Party once stood for.


It’s hard to see how the LNP make themselves look like something good in the next 6 months. Turnbull has just totally embarrassed himself. The electorate don’t like pissweak leaders. Even News Corp and the shock jocks wont be able to choke that down. They’re all getting the policy they want but it’s getting delivered by a weak loser. Turnbull is going to need some big wins groomed for him but he’s got nothing in the bag. Tax reform? Grants to shady organisations. Popularity going backwards at an impressive rate.

The next thing is Dutton. I don’t get how the guy is an option. He’s on a knife edge in his own electorate and hugely unpopular outside of Queensland.

Abbott. Not going to happen again.

Interesting times. This is 10 years of hard lobbying and embedding from the coal lobby. You can’t hide from climate change and new technologies forever. You can pull energy policy and governments to pieces trying to.


The sooner this ‘Coalition’ breaks up the better it will be for the country. There are basically, what, 3 factions all with relatively similar power?

If the two state elections before the next federal one come up as labor wins on the back of support for renewables the tables have finally turned. That will crack the faction of shills in the LNP that have been at the heart of this whole energy policy mess for the last decade. and current leadership instability. They might try to go full Queensland on us but it will turn away voters everywhere else.

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I still don’t understand how Abbott can get away with his narrative about not letting the Paris agreement superceed sovereignty decision wgen he was in charge of signing up to it.


IMO if she had been given a fair and reasonable go at it by her party she would have made a pretty decent long term PM.


I never thought I’d look back fondly at the time George W Bush was President.


I hope to never feel this way about the Turnbull Government.

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It would be almost worth unblocking tripper for this, almost.

Even if he doesn’t resemble what he once stood for.

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He actually called the Dutton thing way before anyone else.

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Your super in a nutshell.

Snipped from ABC website.

Who’s the boss — the client or the paymaster?

During his stay in the witness box, Mr Allert was confronted with some uncomfortable questions that went to the heart of the conflicts of interest that run rampant through our superannuation industry.

How was it that he, as chairman of the board of trustees — a body appointed to look after the interests of clients — had to simply accept the fees being charged by AMP, that he could not simply threaten to take client money elsewhere?

The answer is that the trustees effectively have no power. They are appointed by the money manager. And so, while their legal obligation is to act in the client’s best interest, in reality they are unable to demand better service or lower fees from managers within the group.

Mr Allert was forced to admit he was unaware most of the fees and charges AMP was charging the funds he oversaw were not documented.

If there is one area that commissioner Kenneth Hayne is likely to recommend be overhauled it is this: that superannuation fund trustees be truly independent and have no links, commercially or otherwise, with the management firm.


He’s compromised himself and fully deserves the low regard the public has for him but if he leads to LNP into the hands of the ultraconservatives, then this will be the biggest millstone of them all.

The good centralists need to stand up.

I wanna see blood splattered all through the corridors of power.



I’d be interested to know if there actually are any in the first place.

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Because Abbott is the darling of most of the MSM and get a free pass on particularly this thing. The minerals council would desperately love this one to be killed off. We would be condemned by nearly the rest of the planet, of course and give confidence to despicable people, who would show their appreciation, of course.

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But his Wife was a stunner !!