Ben Cousins Goes Ape (again)

It felt hard hitting “like” but I really appreciate you sharing that, and it’s only through true sharing like this that we (those not directly affected) can gain better insight to the impact this has on families and society.


Mate, I sympathise in the extreme. I have a daughter who is an addict, and you are right, they can’t be helped if they don’t want to be. They have to reach a point where they want it for themselves. Until then, they will continue to use whenever they can.

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Right now we as family need each other and need to stick together because at times, it is pretty terrible and unresolvable. We also need to hold it together for the children, who are in a desperate state and after all the broken promises they need to know we are all on the same page for them.

I know what needs to happen but convincing everyone else of that is a hard task because they are not where I am in the greater scheme of things. In another life, I was a D&A and Addictions Counsellor and worked in the Prison System in Victoria. I cannot be the family counsellor, they need to get someone for themselves as I have. Some have and others haven’t but they think they know what they are doing but emotional drowning is a painful process.

There are so many facets to all of this. Thank you for your support I really appreciate your words of comfort and for listening. And if one person reads this and has a better understanding of what it is like for people going through similar stuff, its been worth it.


Best of luck mdso, although I know that luck won’t be enough. I have seen many come through this, eventually, but with so many opportunities lost in the meantime. Hope that people (your family and others) can turn it around before it’s too late.

Truthfully it is probably already too late. I have not said these words even my family.
The family know, if they ask me the truth I will tell them as it is. They obviously want to go down the gently, gently, route for now. I will not lie to them because the situation it is what it is. I can’t make promises sometimes, I wish I could. We have no control over what happens with my daughter and the children’s Mum, only in our own lives. And a lot of time, we all feel uncomfortably out of control.

Hope and faith are wonderous. The human body is an amazing instrument but there is a line and once it is crossed there are two ways to go. Stop and there may be a better quality of life but a body which can’t keep supporting itself against never ending abuse and toxicity. And the other, her choice to keep walking the line.

The decisions she is making, what she is doing to herself and the associated dangers for her and her family, its a heart breaking route. The crowd she is running with are not good people and they will not look after her in an emergency, they will leave her where she falls, she knows that. The things she should be doing with the limitations her body has (she is no Ben Cousins) and what she needs and fails to do for her body. She says, “That’s what we do Mum.”

Sadly she is failing on all levels of her being. She is pushing the equation to the limit and at this point in time, she has no intention of stopping. If we could love her better, she would be. The tank today is almost on empty but life arounds us goes on.


I just got word that one of my best mate’s just lost his son overnight to a drug overdose.

He was only around 20yo and when I saw him 12 months ago I wouldn’t have suspected he was doing any serious drugs, maybe weed but nothing else.

Absolutely devastating for his family, I’m heading over to the family house tonight just to be with them as they try and cope with the reality of it all, it’s just so sudden.


Condolences mate.


Can’t imagine what you’re going through - thanks for sharing.

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I sympathise, MDSO. A good friend of mine had a similar experience with his son. You can only hope for the best.

I’m lost for words. I just hope things get better for you and the family @mdso.

Also condolences to you and your friends @wannabe.


Magnificent mane

I’m sick of this prick getting airtime.
Trying putting yourself in the shoes of his ex partner that would be ■■■■■■ scared shitless every time this wanker is released for jail. The harassment this prick has given her over the years because of his own selfish addictions is disgusting.

He made his choices and continues to do so. No sympathy for the prick whatsoever.


It’s hard to find sympathy for him and I personally prefer gaol to jail.

Don’t let gaol die out, Australia. Don’t let it die out.


FFS Ben Cousins

Edit just become a humble man it’s over

Gaol can just fark off…antiquated English belongs with Latin in the useless languages area


Then he could kick goals in gaols. Sounds a bit dyslexic to me.

I am a Buddhist.

There is a very good book on addictions, I trialled them for the author. It is titled Enough by Diane “Chonyi” Taylor. Check it out. I would use this however at this point in the greater scheme off things it is impossible but there may come a time when it is. I have to have faith and hope change will come.

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Sadly its sounds as though he may be getting preferential treatment. What Ben is doing, he should be on a short leash or locked up where he can be treated and watched. He is very predictable but also unpredictable when using and capable of doing what he has threatened to do. The safest place for him his family and others, sadly, is jail.

Cheers, Mdso. Will check it out. Never lose faith/hope.

Or institution. The mental health act down here allows for voluntary and involuntary institutionalisation.

My missus is a qualified assessor and it’s been risen as an option every once and a while…