Ben Roberts-Smith Laptop Repair Service

That’s fine, we ship him off to the Hauge, and let them run the trial :wink:

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Christian Porter has got his practising certificate back. He could act pro bono for BRS or assist him to set up a blind trust.



Is there a chance that this is exactly what this case was designed to do. Were charges likely to be laid against him prior to this charade and he/his supervisors saw this as a future defence mechanism?

If so, I hope there’s a way around it.


His reputation was pretty shot before this case. I am really only speculating that he knew worse about his character would come out in his defamation case, but it was a chance to test and rattle those witnesses - and discredit their character as soldiers - who might be called at a criminal or military trial. Any discrepancies in and between their testimony would be a win for him.
His father was a WA judge, who had also sat on military courts.

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Based on what’s come out so far in this trial his tactic was probably figure out witnesses and intimidate them

But to your question, it won’t stop criminal proceedings at all. Otherwise everyone would be trying civil litigation before the criminal


Thanks, that’s good to hear.

I am told that there will be no charges are there is not enough evidence for a conviction.

Was there something about the Brereton Inquiry, where military witnesses were compelled to appear under oath, but that the testimony could not be used against them at any subsequent trial , or that such evidence was sealed , not to be drawn on in any trial?

Some of the evidence is still sealed, along with Brereton himself recommending the redacted versions of the report (especially the entirety of pt 2) not be released until criminal proceedings resolve. To which, anyone saying they know either way whether or not charges will be laid are either lying, or committing quite a serious crime

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far out imagine being some desk jockey at channel 7 and your war fetishisist ceo about to cut costs hard.

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There were reports that the bills to C7 were subsequently billed to Stokes private companies.
In court, BRS lawyers alleged that Fairfax had used its journos to engage in a media war, maybe C7 shareholders did not see it that way.

I appreciate the Age investigating this but could do without the facebook chain letter threats.


Jeremy Corbyn has raised similar concerns about the UK counterpart special forces in Afghanistan.

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I don’t see how the contaminating evidence thing can fly.
There are so very many people who have no idea who this guy is.

Retired commando and failed Senate candidate Heston Russell allegedly fired indiscriminately from a helicopter at unarmed Afghan civilians on the ground and “may be reasonably suspected … of the war crime of attacking civilians”, documents filed in the federal court claim.

Clearly he didn’t learn the lessons of the Roberts defamation case.


How do you shoot unarmed women and children?
Don’t lead them so much

Crazed US helicopter gunner in Full Metal Jacket


Ben Roberts Smith v the media is a great recent podcast by guardian AU, reading through court transcripts with voice actors I was hooked on it.

Over the 5 episodes not all allegations are covered, the ones that are covered sound horrific for BRS, not many people paint him in a good light

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“Hmmmm, seemingly not invested was the other SASR VC recipient Mark Donaldson.”