Brad Scott - time for probing the probematic spelling (Part 2)

I get it.

There has been an element of flakiness of previous short lived EFC renaissances.

There’s a bit more substance this time. This is now one led by Merrett & Brad Scott - it does feel different.

No disrespect to the likes of Heppell, Worsfold, Rutten … but it was always a bit dubious based on a lot of talk and not enough action.

Is it a finished product yet? No.
Are we over the disappointing loss here and there during the season? No.

Is the game style and structure building to something more sustainable that can lead to a level of success? Yes.


Reality is, we have not been here since 01.

  • We have a good defensive game plan (and it will get better)
  • We have ruthless attack on player and ball
  • We have a midfield that can match it with the best.

We don’t have a premiership list yet, but we have turned a corner. This is not Essendon. And it’s great.


I hear you and I agree. Midfield has a nice tough edge with Durham, Caldwell and Merrett leading the charge in there. Forwardline has some nice options with Wright, Langford, Jones, Stringer etc. Back has McKay and a steady bunch so far.

But I promised myself to never believe we’ve turned a corner until I see it with my own eyes first.

I agree with you also. I just feel that I have now just seen it with my own eyes.
The above is the only football that stands up in finals, and we’ve never had it until now.
I now believe.


I’d only add that the High Performance Team/Department or whatever they call themselves need a review and a flip. Keeping our best players fit every week still seems a challenge for the club.

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Oh. Yes there is that. Stop bringing me down

We’ve turned a corner alright. The only question is, are we still in the locked maze?


Exzacery - in the next three matches, we need to put these teams well and truly away.
Doing that will give us some breathing space. Great game Bombers.

the goal posts don’t keep changing, it’s just certain people want to argue that things have changed, based on a 7 week patch of form, despite ironically having said 20 years experience to the contrary.

the goalposts are still the same.
change the direction of the club, change the culture of the club to where they build from a decent solid foundation to become, not only making up the numbers in the finals, but get themselves into a position to not only win an actual final, but win the whole thing.

your 7 weeks of this year ultimately mean SFA when you have 20 years of evidence, and 20 years of isolated 1 years worth of evidence to show decent one of years do not lead to improvement beyond what they reached.

I remember the 2017 anzac day clash, there were so many people on here like you are now, oh we’ve turned a corner, we are this we are that.
I claimed that game was a cripple fight and that we only won cos collingwood were way ■■■■■■■ than us at the time and on the day. the skills and mentality were shithouse on that day.
I go absolutely reamed on here with the usual suspects saying all the usual stuff, i even had a few posters who now see the club as i do on that bandwagon potting me.
what did it lead too ? what did the hype and buzz from 2017 actually lead too ?
absolutely nothing but a continuation of a bad culture to which 2 reports stated it.

so again the goalposts haven’t changed. some people know 7 weeks worth of evidencee, compared to 20 years is just not comparable, logically speaking and considering we have only had one 13 win season in the last 20 odd years (2013) a couple of 12 win seasons (2017,2014) and the other finals appearences were 11 wins or less, some of us understand again 7 weeks does not mean that they can replicate and produce that same sort of energy, intent and form for the whole season, let alone into finals from the small sample size they’ve produced so far.

we all hope they do, and we all hope this is actually just the first step in building beyond this year.
there’s no way anyone can logically claim that’s the case, until it actually happens.
the rest is just blind delusional hope.


What the players did today was taking it up to the Magpies. I don’t think they expected that at all. The players are starting to stand up for each other and a bit of ruffo tougho, butchy push and shuve. We’ve needed that because really up until now, our blokes haven’t really protected each other and backed each other up. We will get better given time. Thank you everyone - - It’s still early days, we know that. Good game Bombers.


Personally I’m not gonna believe we’ve turned the corner until we win a premiership.

Actually now I think about it that might not be enough. Win two… nay THREE premierships, Brad. Then I’ll believe.


I think the post from @James98 was a pi55 take. Don’t know about the others.

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Fark, hope you’re right with that 1st sentence. Otherwise I’m well and truly compost. :grinning:


There’s dreamers, hopers, realists and pessimists. I’m a hoper/realist!

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Following the EFC is akin to an abusive relationship so I can understand why people are desperate to convince themselves that this time will be different.

From my perspective, we look broadly in line with where we were this time last year and we all know the embarrassing heap that ended in. The reality is, there have been positive signs under Hird, under Thompson, under Worsfold, under Rutten and under Scott. None have led anywhere.

Until we are meaningfully pushing into top 4 late into a season with a sustainable percentage and look capable of multiple finals wins, we are still the same mid table team we’ve been for 20 years. Just in a slightly different part of the cycle.




I said it back then but sort of got howled down and told I was being negative.

Yep, I sure was. I had hope but it was like confetti in the wind.

That’s true some of forward skills and kicking for goal are best forgotten. We need to tidy that up because we could have put the Pies away. However the team is starting to gel together but we need to draft another couple of good players so we can let a couple go.

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