Brad Scott - time for probing the probematic spelling (Part 2)

While I agree with your overall point, you’ve put some patented DP spin on that 2017 Anzac day.


Except us.

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That is a terrible analogy. For anyone who has lived through an abusive relationship following a football club is nothing like it.


“At North we didn’t have a barista in the rooms before a game” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


We’ve been striving for bog average.

I don’t think some of you appreciate just what a 13-14 win season, a 5th-8th finish and one finals win this year would do for this club, group and supporters.

It would change the club and its culture for the rest of Brad’s tenure and this playing groups future.

Look at Carlton last year after finishing 6th …

I think some are wanting to just flick a switch, finish top 2 and win a Grand Final after 20 years in the wilderness. Sounds bloody amazing but not realistic whatsoever in 2024.

I think we’ve seen this year, barring admittedly two AWFUL quarters, that scenario one is achievable.


was that the one DP got munted on plum wine?


Spot on the one thing I have been pleased about the last two weeks is even though that has happened and the pies and crom both got in front we fought back into and got ahead

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Richmond won the flag in 2017 and prior to that they hadn’t won a final since about 2001 I’m pretty sure

Yes… but they had a super competitive 2012 when they just missed out, made the finals in consecutive years (2013-2015), had an injury ridden dip in 2016 …

Before finding their mojo in 2017.

A bit like Geelong in 2007. Made the finals in 2004-05, had an inexplicable dip in 2006 when Bomber Thompson just kept his job and then went well throttle in 2007.

I think circumstances are considerably different with us.

They did him dirty with the pensioners insurance ads

Will be interesting how he tackles the potential availability of Perkins, Shiel, setterfield, Ridley, Reid and Guelfi over the next few weeks
I’d argue only 3, max 4 of those above are locks personally

Just looking at the playing list and thinking back over the last 15 years for group of leaders/talented players coming through at the same time, this is what it looks like. I haven’t done any major research, just from the top of my head. We are in a promising place, as two groups are overlapping going into peak…including players brought in from other clubs.

Watson, Stanton, Winderlich

Heppell, Hurley, Hooker, Ryder, Zaharakis, Bellchambers

Merrett, Tippa, Daniher, Fantasia, McKenna
(Smith, Stringer, Shiel, Saad)

Parish, Redman, McGrath, Ridley, Langford
(Wright, McKay, Gresham, Duursma)

Caldwell, Durham, Martin, Perkins, Hobbs (Reid, Cox)

Tsatas, Hayes, Caddy, Roberts, Davey Jnr

Well aren’t you mr realist buzz kill

maybe, maybe not. i’ve copped a fair bit on here, but that day stood out. and like i said, a fair chunk of them now view the club the way I do, go figure.

it was achievable last year also. and they ended up with 10 wins.

it’s not that people don’t appreciate what “it could do”, they question whether it’ll happen, and rightly so.

a 13-14 win season is what most of us want. just cos we want it, doesn’t mean we will get it.

From reading your posts I don’t think anything we eventually end up achieving is ever going to be good enough. I don’t want to cause conflict but you seem to be so hung up about this that it’s never going to matter anyway which is a shame.

The carry on like you’re the only person on the planet ever disappointed by Essendon and expectations over the last couple of decades.



Probably a bit tongue in cheek ice. At least hope so.

I am sure it was. With the amount of domestic violence issues in courts around Aus and many women and children getting killed, I just don’t think it was appropriate to use that analogy.