Bring the The GOOD Stuff Thread


That pope unit may be the go

This one has the best reviews on Bunnings.

Have Holman ever been rubbish and throw/return for you?

Looks OK, never used Holman stuff. I reckon you do get what you pay for, most of the time. Though I now buy Ozita stuff and have found it very reliable.

I’d happily pay more if a compact premium unit existed. It’s one of those things you don’t want to replace after pluggin onto the wall.

Ive got a Nylex retractable and its going strong after a few years.

I did have to replace the housing bracket as it got brittle from the sun. I’ve seen some that come with covers, which probably would help in the long run.

I got one of these a while ago. A bit expensive. But it’s lasted. Survived a dog attack. Slim AF. I think it’s made of similar stuff to motorcycle wet weather gear.

I just bought one of these

Looks like my use case(small space). 5 year warranty hopefully not garbage

great price

Yeah I’ve got a couple of spots(taps) I might use too. So maybe that over a fixed wall thing would be better

Did you go any further with this?

They all have good sales on now.

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No I didn’t. Thanks, I’ll look at the sales.

Any recommendations for a staple gun? Need to hang some setting in wooden beams to stop birds hanging out on a veranda.