Brussels under attack

I see this one isn't really make much a news story, just a side story. Oh that's right it is only Iraq and Muslims killing Muslims. Nothing to see here, move on.

I do wonder, did the attacks in Brussels get as much media coverage in the ME as local attacks get? I’m not sure that there’s any conspiracy to not report on ISIS being murderous bastards wherever it happens but I just think naturally people will be more effected & feel more connected to attacks that happen in places they know, are more likely to have been to or want to go to & are not considered a war zone. I think the vast majority of the western world would avoid travel to places like Iraq & Syria because the risk of these types of attacks is more real. When it happens in an otherwise peaceful country it makes it seem for more likely to happen anywhere.

As one woman asks: “What kind of people target little children?”

Obama is also to blame for sun eventually running out of hydrogen.
Not blaming him just that his general ineffectiveness at almost everything has become a bit of a sad joke. He gives a good speech though. :/

As an American I guess I should define “general ineffectiveness” as the following facts:

  • Halved the unemployment rate
  • Rescued the economy (as much as I hate the way it was done) from the worst recession since 1929
  • Got a healthcare bill passed that has provided options to 40 million uninsured Americans
  • Signed the Paris Agreement to join the global coalition to address climate change
  • Made the first mature attempts to normalize relationships with Iran and Cuba in decades
  • Got 1000s of young men and women back home from ill-advised conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan

Oh, and stayed mature, classy, and presidential in the face of the most disgustingly racist diatribe ever perpetrated on a head of state within his own nation.

Yeah, what a loser.

Sorry, wrong thread I guess…

Considers Snowden a traitor and wants to make encryption illegal.

He’s a loser.

As one woman asks: "What kind of people target little children?"

A devastating attack :frowning:

As one woman asks: "What kind of people target little children?"

You’re not allowed to ask that about some people though.

Didn’t know where else to put this and didn’t think we needed a new thread on it so this will do.

Get ready for some more ridiculous protests coming from the extreme right anti-Islam groups:

I want minarets. They’re pretty.

It’s a free country… for most.

Hope they choose somewhere in East St Kilda … that’d be fun.
