Carnage Squad Q2/3 Reunion - Saturday

The old Carnage Squad of the 1990s.


You know who you are.


You know where.


Tomorrow's game.



I wanna know what the Carnage Squad is!!



Sounds a bit more full on than the grog squad...



how many carnage posts made


Cant be there Carnage, over the other side of Australia - be loud and proud for us here Carnage! :)



Et tu Hannibal? 

I've met Carnage, a more passionate Essendon fella you will not meet.

It worries me a little that there are a squad of Carnage's though.

Small hands, smell like cabbage.

How did the carnage go?

2-2 draw


2 security guards taken out... while the boys in blue eventually took control.  Most of the carnage squad was forced to watch out the end of the game at the cricketers (where they've luckily forgotten my "lifetime ban").


You guys make the Grog Squad look like the Melbourne Gospel Choir !

Who are you people? The mystery is killing me.

I sense a big of Stan’s dad vs Bat dad

Our version of the GSE?

Fighting opposition fans over a game? Maybe I’m getting old but that’s a bit… What did that guy say about heppel??? GET HIM

Dude covered in Essendon tatts and donning a 16ft homemade scarf rocks up to the grog squad before the game yesterday and yells “CARNAGE”…

Was lucky enough to get a run down on the history of the Carnage squad straight from the horses mouth.