Category B indigenous/multicultural rookies

Haha, I love how “battered sausage” has now entered the Blitz dictionary and is appearing everywhere.

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I hate it.

Every time it appears I have flashbacks of my night in the Hell Fire Club…

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I lived in the UK for seven years. Battered sausages are tasty. Battered Haggis is even better. :slight_smile:

Battered Mars bars are worth the coronary bypass.

Actually, based on my sample of one in Edinburgh, battered mars bars are rubbish. The batter would need to be sweeter than normal to work IMO. It was just a piping hot mess.

True, I think my usual haunt whilst I was in Edinburgh was on the better side, it had a crumb coating of some sort, kind of like a deep-fried icecream coating.

Also, being well drunk helps a bunch.

Lol, that probably helps. I was totally sober, just trying it out for the curiosity factor. I don’t think the Fish and Chip shop I went into specialised in it or anything, although he wasn’t necessarily surprised either.

Deep fried Haggis they all know and serve. Its a lot like a deep fried hamburger.

Deep fried was the only way I could stomach the haggis. The standard boiled? was gag inducing.

You two should take this to the cooking thread. Or the travel thread…

I had a haggisburger on the Isle of Skye which was pretty nice.

We tried (but failed) to get a project ruckman:

It would have required us to delist or promote one of Hird and McBride

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Why is the AFL obsessed with copying other sports? Calling him “Greek Freak” is absolutely cringe inducing…

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