Celebrity Deaths 2022

What happens in Bogota, stays in Bogota


Really? Pretty sure he was a heavy drug taker and that is what has taken him so soon.

So two options .

Death through misadventures or suicide.

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Don’t take drugs kids

Hawkins was a bum.

I have my reasons.

Apparently so. He still looked like a pretty fit guy. Certainly not your typical burnt out looking junkie.

This one hurts. Been learning drums the past year and using his talent as an inspiration.

It may surprise some people to learn that you can do drugs and remain relatively ok health-wise.

The secret is never being rich enough that you can afford as many as you want.


Suicidal thoughts are an illness, and hiding them just makes it an even bigger hit to those around you as the mask you’ve created is generally airtight.

In Australian society their is still a massive, macho stigma of it being “the cowards way out” so it gets buried, and anyone thinking that way get told they’re a drama queen.

It’s pretty fkd.


I had some suspicions :confused:

Which means you never have to come down.

Trump is an example.

That seemingly goes against David Lee Roth’s summation, though: “I used to have a drug problem, now I make enough money.”


I am more than happy to go against David Lee Roth.

That’s so sad considering he’s been sober this whole time apparently

You taking lessons? Playing the drums is something I always wanted to do since I was kid just never had the chance. now as an adult I’m thinking of taking it up

It’s amazing that some one like Keith Richards is still alive and kicking after decades of taking drugs

That bloke has to probably taken every drug possibly available his entire life

He has enough money to buy good drugs

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That’s Fat Mike’s philosophy from NOFX. Don’t take up drugs until you’ve made at least your first million.

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Online. Download lessons and play. I can play lots of songs now but the one that I love to play most is Scentless Apprentice from nirvana.