Cigarettes Baby Give them Up

My housemate loves smoking. Smokes like a chimney and says he never thinks about quitting (mid 20s). Majority of my mates smoke (mid 20s of all genders), and are all in constant states of trying to quit.

My old man smoked when I was a kid. We used to watch him light up when we where in the back seat of the Torana by pushing the car lighter in till it heated up, then bringing it up to where the cig was in his mouth.

Except from the back seat, all we could see is him bringing it up to near his mouth then magically start puffing white smoke out the window.

This looked pretty cool from where I was sitting, so when he stopped at the shop and left the ‘Rana idling I reached over, pushed the lighter in then bought it back with me to see if I too could puff white smoke when I put it in my mouth…

He gave up shortly after.


Oh, I stopped smoking in the car when I got my lil Alfa, the first me car (screw reliability and parts and boot space and how many it seats) I ever owned.
It was once my favourite smoke.
Didn’t cut me down at all though.

Biggest cutback I ever made was gradually working my way back from PJ Dark Blue (or Winnie Red) back to Gold.
Again, I think they’re on a wrong ‘un there.
It’s gotta be easier to quit…I dunno…one thing of nicotine per smoke than 16.
The way things are, I have no idea what one lower than gold is.

I give up every night

I understand.

I loved the ‘never lonely when you smoke’

I loved I was never without an escape.

I loved the purpose that the addiction gave me every day.

I loved being naughty when I said I’d quit

I loved framing a moment.

I miss it daily. I know I’m better off. Still doesn’t feel like a fair swap.


You’re so better off.
Not checking your tissues or toilet paper is an absolute win.

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It’s got me stuffed how people can afford to buy cigarettes these days.

At $50 a throw, a pack a day smoker will spend around $18,000 a year on them. That’s a LOT of dough that would otherwise buy you some very nice things.

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I honestly treat not smoking as grief and loss. I know it’s sad and I miss it but I can’t change it.

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It’s kinda insane now, yes.
But given I’ve hitched my wagon to Mrs Wim’s star I can kinda buy smokes, bourbon and records and she can just take care of everything else.

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I’m thinking of taking it up, anyone got advice for me?

Mail your darts to wim

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At a dollar-fifty each, hell yes.


  1. Don’t.
  2. If you do - when it rains, hold that baby in the cool tough guy pinch pose - between thumb and forefinger, shielding that precious being from the evil rain. Absolutely vital in countries such as Scotland WHERE IT RAINS ALL THE F****G TIME.
  3. Really don’t.
  4. Don’t vape either - you shouldn’t be smoking something that you have to plug into your Playstation to charge. That’s weird. So is importing nicotine liquid from New Zealand.
  5. Don’t smoke. Seriously.
  6. If you do (but don’t), that enjoyable little nic buzz you get with the first cig in the morning is not euphoria, it’s a lack of oxygen to the brain.
  7. Really, don’t smoke.

I’ll be honest - I stand with Wim on this.

People describe themselves as “social smokers”. Not me. I’m an anti-social smoker, and I’m happy with that. I do it when I want left alone.


Smoked and quit many times. I don’t do it for the social, I do it for a mental break that came when I started writing code and would stare at the PC for hours.

I have moved to vaping, I don’t have the phelgm that I used to, and I feel better than when I did smoke.

Good luck and I hope it works for you, after trying many times I realised I just don’t really want to give up. Vaping gives me the alternative without the smell etc… That my wife hates, and I would hate for my kids to smell or see it and ask, then take it up eventually as I did because both my parents smoked.

I switched to vape when my son was born. Will eventually give it up, but I’m not convinced.

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Find a mate who does and pinch all his.

Then find another mate.

Savings is not correct as lockdown has increased my beer intake :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Now illegal I beleive.


I never tried smoking till I was around 28 or so. My cousin was smoking outside, and we were just chewing the fat. She gave me a ciggy, so i inhaled just a bit. She urged me to really suck it in. I did… felt crook for the next 3 hours, all the mean time she was howling with laughter.

And that was the end of my smoking career. Thank goodness.


Tried one as a 14yo at school and have not touched one since. On very rare occasions I don’t mind a good cigar