Cigarettes Baby Give them Up

As of 01OCT the importation of nicotine into Aust is banned unless you have a prescription. No more vape juice with nicotine.

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I love this stupid website.

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Well I had two last night at the 22 hour mark, have gotten over the morning coffee cig again this morning, so basically going 22 hours a day without, and holding up ok. Will stick with this for a week, breaking the morning cig was a big step I think.


Which app is that?

It was the same as before you needed a doctor’s cert, which was never asked for or checked. Just a doctor to write a letter saying you need it as your trying to quit.

I have some mates that use iqos from Korea and Japan. It’s still a cig, but no flame. It’s heated, no smell and they prefer it to vaping, I have no idea on the chemical content compared to normal ciggies.

So what do you breathe in when you Vape ? Just a shitload of other chemicals?

Apparently it’s 90 percent less chemicals than cigarettes.
I can tell you it feels 100x better than ciggies.

Good start to getting off the darts if you struggle. If not for personal issues I would have been fine cold turkey, the first time I gave up for 4 years. So I would definitely try to stick at it. If you are failing hard then maybe try switching.

So you don’t know what is going into your lungs when you vape?

Herion feels better than Marijuana but is it better ?

Smoked for 35 years, started when I was 10. Used to get the little packs of 10 ciggies that you could jam down the front of your jeans an they couldn’t be seen. Progressed to the packets in the rolled up sleeve of the t-shirt. By the time I finally stopped, I could smoke a pack of 40 in a day without blinking. Due to the nature of my work, I would often sit down and smoke 2-3 back to back. A big night out could easily see two packets disappear in the blink of an eye. The only saving grace was that when the rest of the country was paying $20-25 a pack, I was paying $3-4.

Quit eleven years ago. Best thing I ever did and regret it about once every three months when I think to myself, “Gee, it would be great to have a smoke right about now”. Mind you I had quit twice before this time. The first time was when my daughter was born, quit for 18 months. Only mistake I made was going on an end of season footy trip. Worst trip ever. Watched the 1990 GF in Gundagai and started smoking again. ■■■■ weekend. The second time I quit, my wife gave me an ultimatum, I could either smoke or play footy. I didn’t want to quit but I wanted to play footy more. End of the last game of the season as I walked off the ground, I asked the first person I saw for a smoke. To quit this last time, I was in Kuantan in Malaysia and we were about to sail back to Perth, 10 straight days at sea. I deliberately made sure I had no cigarettes on board and no money to buy any. Haven’t had one since. What I did do for the first 4-5 days though was act exactly like I was still smoking. I’d still go up and sit with the smokers, just like I was having one, they even offered me one the first few days, but quickly gave up doing that when I told them I was quitting, for which I am grateful. Made it much much easier to do.

All I can say @AnnStBomber is that I honestly believe no-one is going to quit until they genuinely want to. Lots of people make half-arsed efforts to quit because they “should” or it’s “bad for my health” or any number of other reasons. None of those reason will work. It has to be “I don’t want to do this anymore” and meant. Only then will you have the willpower when the inevitable cravings do hit, to do the right thing and ignore them. Don’t reward yourself by having one. Remember, the nicotine is out of your system by the following morning. What you are really craving is the acts you associate with smoking i.e coffee in the morning, after a meal, before you go to bed etc. Use a placebo for the ciggies like a toothpick or lollipop. A week in it just gets easier.


Did you have with draw symptoms like the shakes,sweats?

Which is the best nicobate product I hear different opinions would like the hear which ones work the best.

Honestly, none that I can remember. Looking back it almost seems easy.

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I would advise against patches if you sweat heavily. Tried them once, thought thpatch had fallen off and started craving a smoke. Had a few, started feeling pretty crook then discovered the patch had fallen down onto my lower back and was still pumping in nicotine. Rapidly heading towards an OD on nicotine.


Couldn’t taste food that much when I was smoking was like eating ash

But once I quit all my senses came back and food started tasting great again


A few weeks after quitting I could again smell cut grass. Sweet smell. And the smell of a banana that someone was eating. And… etc

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On App Store “quit smoking —~”

Well I relapsed and now 5th day into stopping again, I had some big dental work done and using it as an incentive to keep a white teeth smile, I am also on the patches (the less than 10 a day patch and really seems to be helping) have managed to have a couple of beer sessions and although tempted resisted.

I was just in the supermarket and was about 2 metres away from someone and they stunk of tobacco it was so noticeable, also my skin is already looking healthier.

Really looking forward to the future health benefits


Keep it up.

Your insides will be looking as good as your outsides.

In my line of work, I sometimes get to see peoples insides.

Smokers look like ■■■■ on the inside.

You know when you’re at the buthlchers and you see fresh meat, looks plump, clean and fresh? Well smokers don’t look like that. Inside they’re a bit more brown and tired looking. Like meat that’s about to be thrown out.

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You really know how to cut to the core of me.