That could imply something corrective, more like whatever cocktail of stimulants is keeping Trump’s carcass moving
Extremely disturbing
Should be manarchy.
Whats going on with Hydrogen?
It seems a few companies and now the State of Queensland have pulled out of the Fed. Government scheme?
Despite the gov funding, they have realized it is not profitable.
Hydrogen is not easy to work with.
EV sales dropped by 25% in the second half of 2024. Turns out Toyota had the market demand correct, despite what you think of their cars.
Plus their EV was tokenistic due to the backlash against their sentiments. They were never serious about a full EV car.
James Hansen et al:
Global temperature leaped more than 0.4°C (0.7°F) during the past two years, the 12-month average peaking in August 2024 at +1.6°C relative to the temperature at the beginning of last century (the 1880-1920 average). This temperature jump was spurred by one of the periodic tropical El Niño warming events, but many Earth scientists were baffled by the magnitude of the global warming, which was twice as large as expected for the weak 2023-2024 El Niño. We find that most of the other half of the warming was caused by a restriction on aerosol emissions by ships, which was imposed in 2020 by the International Maritime Organization to combat the effect of aerosol pollutants on human health. Aerosols are small particles that serve as cloud formation nuclei. Their most important effect is to increase the extent and brightness of clouds, which reflect sunlight and have a cooling effect on Earth. When aerosols – and thus clouds – are reduced, Earth is darker and absorbs more sunlight, thus enhancing global warming. Ships are the main aerosol source in the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans. We quantify the aerosol effect from the geographical distribution of sunlight reflected by Earth as measured by satellites, with the largest expected and observed effects in the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans. We find that aerosol cooling, and thus climate sensitivity, are understated in the best estimate of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Global warming caused by reduced ship aerosols will not go away as tropical climate moves into its cool La Niña phase. Therefore, we expect that global temperature will not fall much below +1.5°C level, instead oscillating near or above that level for the next few years, which will help confirm our interpretation of the sudden global warming. High sea surface temperatures and increasing ocean hotspots will continue, with harmful effects on coral reefs and other ocean life. The largest practical effect on humans today is increase of the frequency and severity of climate extremes. More powerful tropical storms, tornadoes, and thunderstorms, and thus more extreme floods, are driven by high sea surface temperature and a warmer atmosphere that holds more water vapor. Higher global temperature also increases the intensity of heat waves and – at the times and places of dry weather – high temperature increases drought intensity, including “flash droughts” that develop rapidly, even in regions with adequate average rainfall.
Polar climate change has the greatest long-term effect on humanity, with impacts accelerated by the jump in global temperature. We find that polar ice melt and freshwater injection onto the North Atlantic Ocean exceed prior estimates and, because of accelerated global warming, the melt will increase. As a result, shutdown of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is likely within the next 20-30 years, unless actions are taken to reduce global warming – in contradiction to conclusions of IPCC. If AMOC is allowed to shut down, it will lock in major problems including sea level rise of several meters – thus, we describe AMOC shutdown as the “point of no return.”
The rest of the paper can be found here:
Hydrogen is to champagne as solar is to beer.
Good for a specific need when it makes sense to fork out the cash, but for your day to day needs solar will do fine.
Don’t tell me the fancy red wine I’m drinking is nuclear!
Hydrogen’s best use in power systems is for power storage and these are the projects mostly being put on hold, shutdown or delayed.
Much better options.
James Hansen has been sounding the alarm on this for almost 40 years now, and he’s been correct the whole time.
I can’t imagine his mental health is in a good state right now. Screaming into a disinterested void for that long would drive a lesser man insane.
You will find that he will also be proven to be wrong. Temperatures will actually rise to be in the IPCC excluded hot climate model range of 4 to 5.5 degrees with the doubling of CO2 in the atmosphere (to 1900 levels) AKA Climate Sensitivity.
Semantics. He’s been consistently accurate in his predictions
It is not semantics to say he is underestimating the impacts of climate sensitivity.
It is depressing though.
Would they even be published if they went to those extremes? I choose to read about what they are seeing now, and when they make predictions, it is almost always the worst case scenario and then some.
There are lots of different models published and the IPCC pretty much gives a consensus expectation for the modeling and areas to be looked at to improve future modeling.
Some hot models have been corrected with inputs of other scientists.
The big divergence in models is the use of historical glacial core samples and clouds. Whilst accepted as accurate in determining levels of CO2 historically via core samples, they assume the level of clouds for the date of the sample, their type, their composition and the levels of cloud positioning in the atmosphere.
All the bold bits impact the temperature at the different levels in the atmosphere.
Some hot models assume more and denser clouds cover, leading to more heat being contained closer to the surface.
Either way, we are ■■■■■■ in the medium term.