Clubs vs AFL

How in the world could you expect that?

In the history of the VFL/AFL has an Essendon President EVER demanded ANYTHING? Despite all the ■■■■ they have dealt up to us over the decades.

Let me remind you of a few of them:

from the extremely unjust Coleman suspension losing us a flag, to them ending TD’s career,
to all the rule changes introduced exactly in time to deny us having the benefit many other clubs have had,
to the extremely egregious stitch up presided over by Vlad and his Rsole mate Gil that has sentenced the club to 8 years (and counting) of shitt

Through all that and more, our Presidents have sat through without a squeak. Why do you think the current Caspar Milquetoast will say anything, let alone “demand” it???

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Where are you getting that number from?
Warner’s article specifically says about a dozen averaging $880k.

I agree with your point though even if it is a dozen

Sometimes I tried to find shelter during the rain.

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If the AFL finally cave in to the external pressure, then they can always count on Ziggy to deliver the external report they require.


Nothing wrong with an external review of the AFL - it will probably recommend some tinkering at the edges BUT it will be a shock if Gil is found to be unsuitable.

Gill has been a shitload better than demetriou and his clown mate adrian anderson imo.

Gil is literally the same as Vlad, apart from the fact that Gil does ice while Vlad only did ice cream





Gil’s cavalry riding to his rescue, right on cue.

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Ah Tom Browneye… never stop being you!!.. Has he blocked Mick yet?

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That is a delicious burn.