Comedy Festival Doping Saga Show

Liiiiitle bit more distance on that one, but it’s a reasonable point.

I think you’d be very brave to try that with African Americans swinging from trees.

You do realise she’s probably read this thread, including your condescending post 26?

Not at all intended to be condescending!

I’m a comedy fest addict over the best part of 20 years - and all the best shows I’ve been to are the ones by up and coming comics, to a small room, trying out brave new material. About a million times better than your big Wil Anderson / Arj Barker etc shows that are almost always boring and safe and middle of the road.

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When that gets back to W Anderson, and it will. He’s gonna fark you up.

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I was just scrolling through about to add my two cents and say the whole SAGA has plenty of “Utopia” like moments with the AFL/ASADAso focused on optics and trying to control the narrative etc, that’s it’s bound to be rewarding to watch as an EFC supporter.
To keep it balanced though, I wouldn’t mind seeing some (sarcastic) jokes re: players just jabbing each other with random unknown substances, Kyle Reimers only waking up in meetings if someone jabbed him, Zaharakis running away from needles, James Hird being super-tanned from his melatonin jabs, BJ having an existential crisis, etc.
As much as it affected me and I wanted certain people to die in traffic accidents, there’s plenty of scope for humor to help with the healing.
I look forward to it!


Onya Kit. I’ll try to get to see it. :+1:

Now get out of here & never come back. Save Yourself!!! :laughing:


Oh thanks so much! Yeah you can find me on Facebook and Instagram at kitrichardscomedy. I look forward to seeing you there!!


Well you found an escape hatch, but I don’t think you quite fit through. Kit has some runs on the board, she is not “a very young green comedian”.

Separately I admire your enthusiasm, but I can’t accept humour is all ok or none is. You have said your measurement is “is it funny?”, but surely even finding something funny is tempered by what you approve? When I see comedy, often the biggest laughs are for things that people don’t normally say in public but which they tacitly believe. While humour can be liberating it can also be moulding groupthink in this way.

I could go on for ages about this, but I think we all have our limits with humour and often saying “that’s not funny” is really saying “we are not amused”. And then sometimes a line’s really just poorly delivered, too obvious or simply not that funny.

I couldn’t think of a more lame comedy event. Really. Bottom of the barrel stuff.

That may well be more of a reflection on your imagination than on the show.

The saga happened to fans as well as the players, staff and the other more intangible things that make up the club. I think fans finding ways of story telling around it are important to ensure that the archive is not just made up of the stories which the AFL, the media, or the marketing people who run the club want to tell about it.


Couldn’t agree more. The way to own something is to laugh about it.

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I thought that honour belonged to “Snowtown; The Musical”


Needs a song about Lance Armstrong never testing positive

Couldn’t be any funnier than the real saga … I might pass on this…

Nah, I’m definitely going now.
Mrs Wim and I need an inter-other show gig and this will be just the ticket.

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A “modern major general” style tongue twister using the drug names

Maybe a version of "We used everything Man"

We used everything Man,
anything we could Man,
we didn’t have a plan man,
just, “What ev … er it Takes” man.
We just wanted to Win man, … so we took everything.

We used Hexaralin, Aderall,
and Panadol and No Doze, …

Even Coaches got in on the act, sayin’
“Hey! Can I get some of those, …”
I’d love to have an instant tan,
even if it comes from Mex-i-co

Well, we took everything man, …
Well that’s what WADA said man,
even though they had no proof man,
so it just became a spoof man,
Their a pack of lying Carnts Man
One day they’ll get their due.

We took,


A better act at the comedy festival though, would just be a live screening of a modern afl game


She’s back, blitzer reviews welcomed

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Is that the same show or a new one? I’m guessing since there wasn’t a comedy festival last year that it’s probably the same.

I have mixed feelings about it. I just don’t know if I can laugh at anything involving this ordeal.

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