Comedy Festival Doping Saga Show

And maybe Dank is portrayed as a mad scientist with a shuffle and a hump tending over bubbling beakers.
Maybe it’s all a completely innocuous farce.

Someone should go.
Hard pass from me, though.

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Hey guys!
Kit here, the comedian responsible for this show. My friend found this and sent it on and I just had a few things to say to set the record straight:

  1. I’m a third generation bombers supporter and have been a member of the club for 15 years.
  2. The saga really affected me and this show is a way to process the whole thing.
  3. It is very pro-Essendon. There is no dragging anyone through the mud and if anything, I will be heavily criticising ASADA, WADA and Dank.

I understand if it’s too raw and you don’t want to relive it, but don’t worry. The subject matter is in safe hands!



You don’t have to explain anything to these geeks.

But they do love free tickets…


Thanks for clearing that up. Any show that criticises ASADA sounds good to me.


Thought I had my Comedy Festival plan sorted…

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Fantastic. Best of luck with the show - I’m sure it will be amazing! I greatly admire anyone who does a show at this fest - it requires a huge amount of work and a big financial outlay on venue hire etc.

Go out and smash it and don’t listen to any haters

Edit; I just googled - you were a writer for Get Crackin? That show is amazing and probably the best Australian comedy for 20 years. Super work


■■■■ me.

Just ask for tickets and stop demeaning yourself, Lawboy.


I have a baby due any day now, I likely won’t be going!

In all seriousness though - the profit margins shows at the comedy festival are so damn tight it’s ridiculous. I had a friend a few years back do 24 nights of a show. He sold out a reasonably sized room (60 people) every night. He only broke even (as in covered his costs) on night 20. After that I had no interest in asking for free tickets from anyone anymore. If you want people to make a range comedy shows for you to go to - don’t take free tickets!

I agree it’s a tough business.

And the Two Kates are unreal. Not as good as The Bondi Hipsters but a close second.

Thanks for posting here Kit! That settles it, I’m going and I’m dragging along a few others. Have you got FB/Insta pages? … can’t really share Blitz posts with friends but I can share social media pretty easily.

Interesting comment. As a regular comedy fest goer I’ve had that debate with a few people. My position has always been that everything and anything can be comedy. Look at what Taika Waititi’s done with the Holocaust (Jojo the Rabbit), and what Python did with political torture and murder (Life of Brian).

Always look on the bright side of life.


It’s not the content, it’s the treatment that matters.
Look at DAAS, especially their most recent stuff, where their show was almost entirely mocking one member of the group with MS and another with…well, it’s suggested senile dementia.

It’s pretty obtuse not to see they’re mocking those things as a way to break down social stigmas, or not to recognise that it’s all done with absolute love.

Edit: If you can find a show that without irony repeatedly relies on (not subverts) prejudices and is funny, I’d be very surprised.

It was both. It was about self acceptance for the players and they wrote the script. It was called Life is a Cosmic Joke. And it was very funny and sometimes, they laughed at themselves. It was incredibly clever and very enjoyable once many people got over their initial reluctance to accept and go with the send-up and humour of the play. These players were taking the ■■■■ out of themselves.

Of course.
I don’t think we’re disagreeing here.
Taking the ■■■■ out of yourself is funny, and kind of healthy.

Laughing at a kid with no legs because haha he has no legs, is neither.

All of the players had legs. They either had Cerebral Palsy and Parkinson’s .

Yes, I get that.
That was a comparison.


True enough wim, but the mocking of first century victims of political torture is not at all sympathetic, it makes fun of the actual horror. A hundred people hanging on a cross, singing and whistling, is surreally funny precisely because the punishment’s so horrific. If they were all doing a few months in a lockup the joke would have been lame.

Kit, please tell me the show ends with 34 players plus Hirdy up on crosses singing See the Bombers Fly Up.
Please, it has to be so!!!