COVID-19 Round 12 - c'mon, it's just a little prick

Psarakos is mask optional, apparently…

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Greeks be thinking they own the rules now that covid is named after them.


My sister in law complaining about the Victorian government and contact tracing. She only reads the Herald Sun and watches Sky. I ask her, as a HEALTH professional, when she had her vaccine. Nope, worried about side effects. So flat out told her how selfish she is and she has no right to complain about the government when she isn’t prepared to do what needs doing. Also won’t see my kids unless she’s vaccinated.

Edit: Asked her, has she discussed her concerns about side effects with her doctor. No. She read it on Facebook. FMD.


bet she goes for collingwood too

Hawthorn. Close.

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i disagree with his “incompetence” assessment. it’s malice. scotty desperately wants to be the saviour to win re-election. that plan from pfizer would have undercut him so needed to be scuttled.


■■■■ scomo

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The sad thing is, he doesn’t need to be a saviour to win the election.
I liken him to Trump. Doing everything wrong to lose the election. Whereas if he just stood by and shut up, he’d win in a canter.

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theres a fundamental difference, scomo is devoutly religious

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same doe same, i just pivoted into a ■■■■ scomo


Two Union sites i worked on last year had COVID out breaks. One the foreman was in intensive care.


There were a couple of cases from the Beyoncé building opposite Spencer Street Station.

As far as I can tell the Union just follow the public health advice like everyone else.

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I know the education union does. During remote learning, we can’t force teachers to be on site to look after the students of essential workers and those most at risk (such as those who are in out of home care). Instead we had to ask for volunteers or get Casual teachers from agencies.

When we had the big 3 month lock down last year we tried to roster on a time table so teachers at most were on site one to two days but they took it to the union so we only ended up with probably 3 to 4 teachers at most willing to come onsite.

This lock down we have 1 to 2 prepared to come onsite when ideally we need about 5 or 6 to put there hand up.

Last year, at the lock down peak while working on site, we had heaps of rules. Including staging of starting time and breaks to limit number in one place at one time. Temp checks before entering sites, limiting to four in an allymac (lift) including the driver, limited numbers in work areas and of course masks at all times. They even took our tea away. There were more rules but they are the ones I remember.
These rules all really came from the builder.

The unions mostly told us what they new in regards to shut downs and how we could access funds and mental support in case the sites closed down. We were told no one is being forced to work, if you don’t want to work these are your options in regards to money. i.e accessing super, job keeper, annual leave ect.


Please can there be more exposure sites and controversy with vaccine rollout, just to keep me out of the footy threads

You get your wish, exposure sites up to 390.

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I have scuttlebutt from the grandfather of a government employee I bumped into at the chicken & chip shop yesterday who told the shop owner that he’d been told the lockdown would likely go beyond next week.
That should get people riled up.

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