Covid 19 - Round 7 - Keep calm and don’t go to the butcher

Sutton said most deaths in aged care are not linked to an infection. One third to one quarter of Covid positive aged care will die.
Discounts the simple category of dying with, because of, calls for compassion.
On the difficulties in lay people understanding the death number reporting, i was waiting for one of them to say “Isn’t that your job as a journo?”


I hope Batman socially distances from the Penguin otherwise our penguin parade is in trouble. I hope Batman park is a safe place for a walk.

A male journo inferred that the Victorian administrative system hopeless

  • noted that Murphy had to write to aged care providers to remind them of their reporting obligations
  • previously noted that GPs also outside the Vic health administrative structure.

Never fear Ma’am, I’m here to protect you.


No. They’ve been in constant contact.
‘Hey guys, remember to report your covids lol.’

Wifey tells me no staff have tested +ve at RMH since Thursday last week


I still don’t understand what’s happened.
If there is a report that clears it up, can someone post it.
What are these new death guidelines and how have they changed from previously.

I don’t want to use it as a blame game. Just want to know what’s changed.

If there is one thing I can’t stand it’s when someone stands up and says ‘we’ or ‘the public think’.

If a poll can ask thousands and get it wrong why do you think your own little world reflects reality?

You don’t represent me.

Take responsibility for your thoughts and say I.


It’s more if you have a sniffle, then if you do get tested and by chance you had light symptoms of Covid, we can shut it down faster before you spread it too far.

No test means we won’t know until there could be 10 / 20 cases.

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Kind of makes sense but people without a sniffle still may have it. Wouldn’t targeted testing be a better way of shutting it down rather than calling for people to go and get tested?

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Targeted based on what?

Encouraging people to get tested if they have a sniffle is basically a strategy for finding cases in the community that might have slipped under the radar, and then ruthlessly target-testing everyone associated before they can become a new locus.

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The Victorian health system hs never been over-run or close to being over-run - They have 1200 beds in ICU with the most being used at 60 - Currently there are 26 in ICU.


High risk workplaces I would have thought.
E.g. effectively mandate testing for aged care workers by making it a condition of employment under Worksafe.


This is something Kesslin has been banging on for months when they ask for
more targeted testing to hopefully find the asymptomatic cases.

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Because that is how GPs and their Union wnat it.

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Couple of minor lifting of restrictions in SA from midnight tonight.

  • Weddings and Funerals attendance up to 150
  • Football and sporting crowds 15k

Recommended that people can RTW if possible but obviously some will choose to WFH but that is now up to employers and employees to work out


It’s good that even though SA is virtually clear the ramp up is still cautious.

I bet I still won’t be allowed back.