COVID-19 - Stay The F**k Home, says Dictator Dan

When it comes to this sort of thing, Albert seriously knows his stuff. Always worth the read.


Thanks. Yes, the red dots in the purple branches indicate isolates that are more closely related to the Wuhan ones than they are to the main left branch.

This particular analysis assumes that the original ancestor is not known but does place the earliest sequenced isolates at the centre (so this may give the appearance that the Wuhan isolates are ancestral). The true ancestor should be closer to the origin of all three major branches. Identifying this though will require luck and a lot of hard work in finding it among historical specimens.


Regarding pulling you up on one word, yes i did. But that is more a reflection on the value i place on that word than your use of it. I have seen ‘probably’ misused before.
As i have said, i have had to take action on ‘probablys’ before as in my past it suggests ‘enough evidence to support direct action’. It has led to the an undesired outcome at times. Just for me personally.

Ok cool. And one last one…
The red dots on the left, do they extend to further variations/mutations? Or are they unique to the US alone?
Actually scrub that question, i had another look and can see now.

How long did you have to lurk for? The pressure!

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Says the man that stops watching the footy at 3/4 time so he can start the review thread :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I have never started it before the siren!

One second after siren though - game farking on

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Ill do it for 5 bucks with my kitchen scissors and salad bowl?

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Councils get to decide on Council open spaces, States get to decide on State parks etc, all the Vic Health Orders continue to apply to all open spaces.

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Had to brave the shops today because I needed some groceries but all online orders were full.

Ended up getting into a slight disagreement. Grown man with his partner standing behind me in line, he was sniffling, and then decided to “joke” around with his partner and cough on them repeatedly.

Then decided to jump into other people’s “space” while he was trying to get away from his partner retaliating. I was fuming and had a few choice words for him. Some absolute morons around.

Apart from that though, everyone else was really being careful.


Stay The F**k Home and don’t ■■■■■■ burn yourself

Burns patients clog ‘precious’ ICU beds thanks to home cooking spike

By Melissa Cunningham

People burning themselves while cooking are taking up intensive care beds that may be needed for gravely ill coronavirus patients.

Specialists at The Alfred hospital have reported a surge in severe burns since Victoria’s stage-3 lockdown came into effect last month.

Many of the injuries being treated at the hospital’s burns unit have been caused by hot oil with others resulting from people cooking while intoxicated.

Nothing in reopening a beach for limited activities contravenes the DHHS Directive.

You can walk in a park and you can on nearly any beach so long as you keep distances, do go with multiple people etc. they aren’t saying ‘we are letting you get a bunch of friends to stretch out next to’. It’s not that big a deal.

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There were no transmissions in either the NRL or AFL.

In 7 weeks numbers could be as low as a handful and we will know where they all are.

We don’t even know the model yet.
Why are they morons?

Was never banned.

You can see more discussion of the sequence variants in the covid19 facts thread. This includes isolates from many other countries.

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Get a haircut and get a real job, you long-haired Commo poofter.

I have one of those crewcut jobbies from the Shaver Shop, and have recently had to wear a hat because of a haircut disaster. I call it the Hawthorn Haircut because it was a #2 on top and #1 at the back…and you know what you get when you mix #2’s and #1’s. Hawthorn jumpers.


I’m not sure casual homophobic slurs are required.

People down here were querying it and the police explained that it was permissible. Just clearing it up.

Feel your pain, man.


Not sure if mentioned but a bloke hosting prayers in a synagogue after beinf given a warning yeaterday just got slapped with 1k fine.

Seriously after being warned… just don’t do it.

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