COVID - 19 Things to do while we’re doing nothing

The ■■■■ else is there to do on lockdown? Work?

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my boy did PE with joe today.

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Can’t work out how 2 people playing golf is a big danger.

It’s not.

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The prospect of a full lockdown terrifies me and I think it all stems from that time I was in Adelaide and got trapped inside a locked Southwark beer warehouse for an entire weekend.

I was forced to drink my own urine to survive.


So places like Target,Big W could shut down if stage 4 lock down happens

rd 2 of panic buying if this happens

Didn’t know they were still open. Thought it was just supermarkets that were still trading…

Still open

A post was merged into an existing topic: The mental health thread

We have spent the last 5 days gardening. Repotted all the orchids in our glasshouse, made our bush garden area look good, layed pavers and cut down a huge apple tree all by myself and mulched it all up (except for the big bits) and ready to spread it on the garden.

Painting the garden furniture tomorrow and then hopefully Bunnings is still open to get more plants for the next project.

And we are catching up on all the DVD BoxSets I have bought over the years and nver watched yet. Blue Bloods season 1-9 at present on season three. Have The Wire, Vikings and Breaking Bad to go. Need to visit Dan Murphys though, to get more Coronas !!


One could smack the other with the club.

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Gardening is a great thing to do if you’re isolated in your property. I dare say a lot of people, especially if they have been forced off work or are just looking for something to do on a weekend, will be doing gardening and DIY projects around the house. The gate that needs fixing or fixing the pavers, etc. I’ve got a mountain of books that I’ve been meaning to read but never got around to it. With nothing on TV that will get a fair workout…

Some years ago, I turned an old garage in our backyard to a glasshouse and workshop.

I actually wanted to pull it down, but Council said I needed a permit and as I was the Mayor, I had to play by the rules so I “renovated” it instead. Glass walls and clear plastic roof, and a place to grow orchids. Except I am no gardener, and while I gave them love and attention, they died, a bit like my political career.

Anyway I just left them and after two years, they somehow had come back to life and produced some beautiful flowers. Nice to sit in there when they bloom.


Coffee machine arrived, given it a test and I have to say pretty impressive!


Oh I love that.
Starting a Cert 3 in Horticulture at 45 yrs old after a career in Sales and Marketing.
Trying to follow what I love for once,even amongst the chaos.


Mrs Fox knows the names of about every plant, both common names and botanical names, so it makes it easier to decide what to plant.

If Bunnings closes down, we will save a lot of money !


I made some jelly a little earlier.

No you won’t you will just find something else to spend it on.

Taking up wrestling?

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Not enough jelly. And one more breach of the buying restrictions at my local Woolworths and they will put me on the Wall of Shame.